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Single Again!!!


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My cousin used to bounce there, it's a semi-occuring thing there. Too many frat boys and booze sometimes. Don't get me wrong GREEEEEEEAT place to hook up, get cheap drinks etc.. Just hate half the college douche bags that think they're bill badass and wanna pick a fight. Sometimes you mouth off to the wrong people in there ;)


Yeah I agree... lots of eye candy everywhere but with that comes big douche bags.


And I can't wait for patio bars to start opening up again, sand volleyball and concerts.


Glad I'm drinkin' again!!

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Alright...this is the best I could find. Probably *NWS*




Probably? Damn dude she's smokin'.


On the same not, i saw a pic of my ex, still hot... Even after having a 9lb baby 10 months ago with the dude she started seeing after we broke up. It's funny, we talked a few days ago and all she does is bitch about her man now, how he's such an asshole etc... I just sit there and think its funny that, when we broke up two years ago, the roles were reversed. She was crying on his shoulder about me. She'll never learn.


Doesn't mean I can't hit it one last time though :D

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