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Byer's VW


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I'll try and summarize this story the best I can while still giving the relevant information.


The Problem:

Last thur I get out of work about 6pm, start my car, everything works ok but it won't shift out of park. Even when i press the brake pedal the "brake light switch" won't disengage to let me shift it out of park. So I call Hatfield, the dealer that the original owner bought the car from. Explain the problem then say the car has a 50k transferable warranty and ask if this is covered and if I can get someone out to tow it out if it comes to that. The service writer then says, "its your brake light solenoid, just let it warm up. It's probably just stuck because of the cold weather". I sat there like a retard for an hour "letting it warm up" and it didnt change anything. I call back and of course, the service dept closes at 6 so in reality he just wanted to get me off the phone so he could go home. I had a game at 7:30 and it was already 7, I call mom's and she picks me up. The next day I call back and Hatfield gives me the run-around about a tow and how if I didnt buy it from them or an authorized VW dealer (which i didnt) they would'nt do anything for me.


So I use to work in the service industry, call around to some of my friends and try to find some sort of connection in a/ANY VW dealer. I know a guy who is friends with the warranty specialist at Byers. So I talk to this girl... Pepper (I swear to god thats her real name), she's a sweetheart, explains she had the same model Jetta I did and there was a "trick" (for lack of a better term) to use to get it into drive and that, of all things, there is an OPEN RECALL on this exact problem. You'd think Hatfield would've known that. She explains to put the key in the ACC position then place the shifter exactly in between N and D and try to start the car. Mind you I tried this the previous night and it didnt work. I took my lunch and did this for 20 min before if finally worked. Drive it right over to Byers, and their shuttle takes me back to work. They said it would be done in less than an hour and it was, though I didnt have the time to wait for it.


The next day, saturday. I know their hours are 8-2 so mom gives me a ride out there to pick up my car. everything's good, all cost's were taken care of all I have to do is sign the RO and be on my way. Get to my car and my Passenger side mirrod is in pieces hanging from the side of my car. So I go inside and tell the writer, Jim Leach, that he needs to see this. So I show him, the bottom plastic piece just needed cliped back into the mirror but the trim piece around the mirror was cracked completely through and needed replaced. He then says,"well I'll have to check with Mandy's paperwork about this" mind you HE was the writer who wrote the RO and dealt with my car, NOT Mandy. THEN say's "we'll have to see if this damage was here before the car came in for service" I look him dead in his face and said "dont bother checking your paperwork, this car was not in this condiditon when i droped it off yesterday"... "well I'll have to check with Mandy"


So after jumping through hoops about a freaking recall for 2 days, Im left witha busted mirror. They better take responsibility for this damage.

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