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Euro METAL > American metal


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*PS* Pantera is not fair for this one.

Pantera is from Texas, and technicaly they susceded. ;)


In Extremo

Find them, listen to them. Start out with Erdbeermund. German Folk Metal FTW. They cover famous old songs with german metal, and even play old instruments in metal fasion. "Der Galgen" was also covered by Zeplin...which song is it? ;)


The US has lost it's metal. It's been replaced with weak pop rock like puddle of mud and othere such crap.


On a side note; Saw Tenacious D and the pick of destiny last night. Music was great and silly. Isn't it odd how gimic bands can write great music, just not lyrics? Gwar is some of the best metal you will ever here...and it's stoopit.

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you guys listen to the shittiest fucking metal. HIM???? fuck that shit



Meshuggah, Mogwai, ISIS (my cousin's band that opened for Tool), Tool, Mastodon. You want some shit to thrash to listen to Dillinger Escape Plan or the Blood Brothers, or Mclusky.


As for the US losing metal, I agree to a certain point. I think Mastodon is fucking sweet. Outside of the U.S. Mogwai is fucking crazy Scottish metal that my cousin toured with on their european tour.










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Thanks for reminding me of turbonegro, I have not listened to them in almost 2 years.


Turbo-Negro?!?!?! WTF mate?! BAN!!!!!














jk man, jk... I bet you where wicked scared ;).

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you guys listen to the shittiest fucking metal. HIM???? fuck that shit



Meshuggah, Mogwai, ISIS (my cousin's band that opened for Tool), Tool, Mastodon. You want some shit to thrash to listen to Dillinger Escape Plan or the Blood Brothers, or Mclusky.


As for the US losing metal, I agree to a certain point. I think Mastodon is fucking sweet. Outside of the U.S. Mogwai is fucking crazy Scottish metal that my cousin toured with on their european tour.











I would hardly say Tool is metal. And I've been a fan of Tool since Opiate and have seen them live 6 times. More hard rock then metal. Meshuggah however, are fan-fucking-tastic.

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Its hard to classify Tool at all. My cousin's band Isis that opened for them in 2006 was always dubbed "underground nu-metal" which was kinda bogus since they were just trying to bring a new twist to really dark music. i think tool has their metal moments, but yea i'd agree with you for the most part in saying that they're more hard rock
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Its hard to classify Tool at all. My cousin's band Isis that opened for them in 2006 was always dubbed "underground nu-metal" which was kinda bogus since they were just trying to bring a new twist to really dark music. i think tool has their metal moments, but yea i'd agree with you for the most part in saying that they're more hard rock


I agree with you that they are for the most part, undefinable.

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