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OK, congrats. You're on the board. I think most of us welcome new people for at least, some entertainment. But, it seems like an epidemic lately where people that hardly anyone knows, are in a thread, throwing shit out there to goof on someone. Maybe it's your buddy that got you in the site that you're goofing on? Maybe it's an inside joke that I keep missing. Maybe this is the first board you've been on and you just think everyone here is your buddy. But, it just doesn't read all that great. I'm not singling anyone out, because there are several on here doing it. I'm not proposing a solution right now, because I only want to rant. I'm just want to say this so MAAAAYBE The newer people will take this into cosideration. I'm all hyped up on hater aid. So, things are registering all that well on the Give A Fuck Meter.



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I agree.


It makes the site look like a noob fest of retards every time someone says "Hi." It is one thing to fuck with them if they are complete douches (Martin) but not everyone who no one even knows needs to be all "Hey fuckbag, welcome to CR, I just got here an hour ago myself."



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i am here to get ideas for my car and bike. and buy parts and cars. i am not here to bag on anyone. i am a noob and i could give a shit if anyone likes me or not. i like to rant too. just because you have been on cr for awhile dont make you king kong..lol



LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. Not talking about you then.

What you describe for how you do things, is actually the same way I went about getting on other sites and this one too. I wish I saw more of your approach. If you're getting up set for being a noob that hasn't done anything like what i talked about, than why did you post? I know me being here longer "don't make me king kong". But, it has made me see the difference in post content. I'm by far the last one to correct spelling, grammar,and punctuation, but even I could start on your post. I'm not hating on you. Just replying to your post.

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Glad to see you guys think this is fun, but it is a very serious matter.


One last message forwarded to me in a PM, before he removed himself from CR



Hello I just joined CR yesterday. My name is meshshirtvtec. I dont appreciate you guys pointing out the fact that I pick fights online. In real life I am beat and treated with little respect. CR is my way of being strong and witty. Thanks for ruining that!


Poor meshshirt is now going to drive away in his honda never to be seen or heard from again. Newbs need love too man!!!!

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Must fight urge to pass judgment on people.................... Ahhhhhh this hurts.





What a fucking freak. Where the hell does someone go wearing a thriller shirt and not using some damn Rogain? That guy has a career as an ice cream truck driver.

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Must fight urge to pass judgment on people.................... Ahhhhhh this hurts.





What a fucking freak. Where the hell does someone go wearing a thriller shirt and not using some damn Rogain? That guy has a career as an ice cream truck driver.


LMAO!!! "thriller shirt" :D

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Glad to see you guys think this is fun, but it is a very serious matter.


One last message forwarded to me in a PM, before he removed himself from CR




Poor meshshirt is now going to drive away in his honda never to be seen or heard from again. Newbs need love too man!!!!


Dammit, please let the photochops begin!

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Dare I say it ...


Would someone please call the WAAAAAAAAHHHHbulance.










I can see what your saying and I can understand it may not read well. Though I'm probably someone your talking about. Hell, go read my intro thread. I mess with people all the time. Its the inter-web. It happens. I made a comment earlier that was a complete goof, but in my defense, read the title of the thread. If you ask a dumbass question like that, you deserve to get some sarcasm.




My posts, if there was some joking and cynicism, were mostly in defense. I understand people are going to fuck with me cause I'm a noob on this site, and thats fine, but I sure as hell will fuck back, and if someone can't take it they shouldn't throw stones in the first place. (not saying that is you)


This sure as hell isn't the first time I've been on a forum either I'm a regular on a few Nissan specific sites and was looking for a place to meet other auto enthusiasts with other platforms than Nissan. A little variety if you will. Though this is an obvious case of monkey see, monkey do. N00bs come in, get fucked with. Then turn it around on everyone else, possibly thinking thats how to fit in with the crowd.


Personally I could give a shit less what everyone does, and if something strikes my funny bone, out it comes. Thats just how I am, and if we ever meet, thats how I am in person too.

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