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So I have to ask a question to all u guys out there since we are on the subject of myspace. The last month I have meet 2 different guys who both told me they did NOT have myspace or facebook accounts (I should really start a whole thread over this one...hehe). To make 2 long stories short they both lied to me (I was on the phone when I asked and was able to check while talking). My question: with today's technology why in the world would a guy lie to a girl when he knows it is soooooo easy to check out the story? The one guy even had his freakin girlfriend as his default pic on both accounts AFTER I had gone out with him. Yikes!!! One time I would have blown it off....2 times I start to wonder if this is getting to be a common occurence. Just wondering what some people's thoughts r on this subject???

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So I have to ask a question to all u guys out there since we are on the subject of myspace. The last month I have meet 2 different guys who both told me they did NOT have myspace or facebook accounts (I should really start a whole thread over this one...hehe). To make 2 long stories short they both lied to me (I was on the phone when I asked and was able to check while talking). My question: with today's technology why in the world would a guy lie to a girl when he knows it is soooooo easy to check out the story? The one guy even had his freakin girlfriend as his default pic on both accounts AFTER I had gone out with him. Yikes!!! One time I would have blown it off....2 times I start to wonder if this is getting to be a common occurence. Just wondering what some people's thoughts r on this subject???

some men are pigs end of story :lol:

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So I have to ask a question to all u guys out there since we are on the subject of myspace. The last month I have meet 2 different guys who both told me they did NOT have myspace or facebook accounts (I should really start a whole thread over this one...hehe). To make 2 long stories short they both lied to me (I was on the phone when I asked and was able to check while talking). My question: with today's technology why in the world would a guy lie to a girl when he knows it is soooooo easy to check out the story? The one guy even had his freakin girlfriend as his default pic on both accounts AFTER I had gone out with him. Yikes!!! One time I would have blown it off....2 times I start to wonder if this is getting to be a common occurence. Just wondering what some people's thoughts r on this subject???

You already know what I think Sara, let's see if other's agree..

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^ Because a guy who has just started dating you doesn't want you checking up on him all the time. He has no control of what girls say on Hisspace.

BTW, I dont have a myspace. Too much trouble.

But why LIE? When people lie to me and I find out I am DONE immediately. I don't lie to people. I'm just a very blunt person and if I hurt a person's feelings by what I feel is the truth then well......

All they would have to say is I don't feel comfortable adding you yet. Plus, I ALWAYS start out as friends with men initially. If something happens they good but if not then there can always be a friendship that's gained from it. I don't use my myspace/facebook as a dating tool. My myspace is pretty much for email and so I can steal pics from all my friends and family that is scattered through out the country. My facebook is mainly for my "college" buddies from undergrad & grad school. Anyhoo, thanks 4 ur honesty....sure does shed some light on matters. I'm still not losing hope that there are still honest, good MEN (not boys) out there.

And FYI, we ALL have control over comments, etc. on myspace. It's called comment approval. I have it b/c I did deal with crazy guys competing a couple years back.

Edited by PrincessPratt
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there are good honest men out there dont lose hope. just have to sift through the bullshit to get to the one good one

I agree Brian. There are still good men out there. They are either married OR so hurt, bruised, and torn up from women crappin on them they're scared to take another chance. :lol::lol::lol:

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haha tru story ive been there trust me

Ya...now don't get me wrong I believe that everything truly does happen for a reason. The first guy...well....I told u about the default pic. the second guy and I had a lot of mutual acquaintances and many, many people told me it was a blessing that I found that information out b/c he was well....not a nice guy to the ladies (i'm being VERY nice now).

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Ya...now don't get me wrong I believe that everything truly does happen for a reason. The first guy...well....I told u about the default pic. the second guy and I had a lot of mutual acquaintances and many, many people told me it was a blessing that I found that information out b/c he was well....not a nice guy to the ladies (i'm being VERY nice now).

there you have it. unanswered prayers are sometimes the best. ;)

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So I have to ask a question to all u guys out there since we are on the subject of myspace. The last month I have meet 2 different guys who both told me they did NOT have myspace or facebook accounts (I should really start a whole thread over this one...hehe). To make 2 long stories short they both lied to me (I was on the phone when I asked and was able to check while talking). My question: with today's technology why in the world would a guy lie to a girl when he knows it is soooooo easy to check out the story? The one guy even had his freakin girlfriend as his default pic on both accounts AFTER I had gone out with him. Yikes!!! One time I would have blown it off....2 times I start to wonder if this is getting to be a common occurence. Just wondering what some people's thoughts r on this subject???

Man! You always know how to pick them, don't you?!

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I agree Brian. There are still good men out there. They are either married OR so hurt, bruised, and torn up from women crappin on them they're scared to take another chance. :lol::lol::lol:

yea, the older you get the harder to find that person i think. But then again, there are the one and two in the whole city that is good. you have to be careful on who you meet nowadays. Best thing is not to look and just meet and think of everyone you meet as friends and get to know them first then if it happens, it happens. The time will eventually come. But dont wait for it or it will just take even longer. Thats my opinion. :fruit:

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Man! You always know how to pick them, don't you?!

Hahahaha....I never "pick" them. As Carrie Underwood would say..."some hearts get luck sometime".....mine is just being a bit pickier lately. :D:D:D I have actually met some really good guys lately but I just pointed out the 2 losers of the bunch. I'm one of those people that always wonder what people's motives are for their behavior. Maybe i should have been a psych major instead. hehe. Plus Ananda I believe I already told u about the one in my intoxicated state.

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As I said the other day when we were talking about this, I think the reasons a guy would lie to you about having myspace/facebook is simply because he's hiding something, or doesn't want you to know too many details about his life.

Some profiles are very personal, others are very generic, but either way there is most likely some revealing information to be learned. It could just be something really silly and trivial such as a favorite color, or it could be just the opposite and have pics of him with his wife, 2.5 kids, and the dog insde the white picket fence..

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As I said the other day when we were talking about this, I think the reasons a guy would lie to you about having myspace/facebook is simply because he's hiding something, or doesn't want you to know too many details about his life.

Some profiles are very personal, others are very generic, but either way there is most likely some revealing information to be learned. It could just be something really silly and trivial such as a favorite color, or it could be just the opposite and have pics of him with his wife, 2.5 kids, and the dog insde the white picket fence..

I know micheal but I already told u the other day on the phone how upseting it is when people lie to me. I guess what I need to be able to realize is that others have different boundaries than I do. I am a VERY open person. I don't really have secrets & what u see is what u get. When others are more secretive I get VERY uncomfortable around them. But I cannot tell u how many people I have added to my accounts and not ever look at their profiles. Kinda sad I know but I get so busy sometimes...and then waste tons of time on OR. ;)

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