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I know micheal but I already told u the other day on the phone how upseting it is when people lie to me. I guess what I need to be able to realize is that others have different boundaries than I do. I am a VERY open person. I don't really have secrets & what u see is what u get. When others are more secretive I get VERY uncomfortable around them. But I cannot tell u how many people I have added to my accounts and not ever look at their profiles. Kinda sad I know but I get so busy sometimes...and then waste tons of time on OR. ;)

You are open and honest because you are a good person with honorable intentions. Unfortunately the same cannot be said for many others...

And I don't understand what you mean by "wasting time" on OR?? :dunno:;)

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OK....how much would we/I actually get done IF I didn't have my lap top on my "lap" surfing the net while I watch the boob tube and chat on the phone???? Geez!!!

How can you do all those things at the same time? Talking and typing are two things I can't do. Either I start typing what I'm saying or I say what I'm typing.

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So I have to ask a question to all u guys out there since we are on the subject of myspace. The last month I have meet 2 different guys who both told me they did NOT have myspace or facebook accounts (I should really start a whole thread over this one...hehe). To make 2 long stories short they both lied to me (I was on the phone when I asked and was able to check while talking). My question: with today's technology why in the world would a guy lie to a girl when he knows it is soooooo easy to check out the story? The one guy even had his freakin girlfriend as his default pic on both accounts AFTER I had gone out with him. Yikes!!! One time I would have blown it off....2 times I start to wonder if this is getting to be a common occurence. Just wondering what some people's thoughts r on this subject???

As I said the other day when we were talking about this, I think the reasons a guy would lie to you about having myspace/facebook is simply because he's hiding something, or doesn't want you to know too many details about his life.

Some profiles are very personal, others are very generic, but either way there is most likely some revealing information to be learned. It could just be something really silly and trivial such as a favorite color, or it could be just the opposite and have pics of him with his wife, 2.5 kids, and the dog insde the white picket fence..

I'd add to what Michael already said that these guys may have been tryin'/hopin' to hook up with you Sara, then dash before things got "involved". You know.....A one night stand/quick piece of ass....Or maybe a couple if it was good!! :D I'd say this is the case since you already mentioned the one guy had pix of his girly on there

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I'd add to what Michael already said that these guys may have been tryin'/hopin' to hook up with you Sara, then dash before things got "involved". You know.....A one night stand/quick piece of ass....Or maybe a couple if it was good!! :D I'd say this is the case since you already mentioned the one guy had pix of his girly on there

Thanks for posting! Micheal (zerocrash) and I were discussing this on the phone again today and we were kinda suprised that nobody else was really wanting to give some input here. I know the fellas AND ladies have opinions. I put my buisness out there for a reason. I can handle a**holes like this but I think many women are very naive about men and their intentions....and vise versa. I agree that the first one probably had poor intentions towards me and that's the vibe that I picked up on the first time we went out. That's why I did a search once I was home (he never got a return call...hehe). The second one...well we had mutual acquaintences and everyone that knows me knows no booty will be given from this gal! Anyhoo, thanks all who did give their opinion! I know these r girly discussions but I luv them!!! :D

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You should probably start your own thread on this if you want feedback. I know I'm really guilty of derailing threads (so call me a hypocrite) - two wrongs don't make a right.

I know I do divert the whole direction of threads...very often. I knew Micheal wouldn't care that's why I crapped in his thread. :D I'm too lazy to start a whole new thread and keep up on it.

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I'll quit raining on your parade then. ;)

And to really hijack this - guys with "poor intentions" are that way because women let them get away with it. Regardless of the reasons (gullibility, forgiveness, naivety, etc) many women only learn from the "school of hard knocks". Guys would learn too, except these type of guys never have any repercussions or consequences for their actions - it may not work on you, but they're OK with moving on to the next person that their act may or may not work on.

Both parties are at fault here. Guys are tools because women let them. Not you on an individual level, but as a collective - guys wouldn't act the way they do if it wasn't a successful strategy.


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I know I do divert the whole direction of threads...very often. I knew Micheal wouldn't care that's why I crapped in his thread. :D I'm too lazy to start a whole new thread and keep up on it.

You can crap in my thread anytime Sara! :)

I'll quit raining on your parade then. ;)

And to really hijack this - guys with "poor intentions" are that way because women let them get away with it. Regardless of the reasons (gullibility, forgiveness, naivety, etc) many women only learn from the "school of hard knocks". Guys would learn too, except these type of guys never have any repercussions or consequences for their actions - it may not work on you, but they're OK with moving on to the next person that their act may or may not work on.

Both parties are at fault here. Guys are tools because women let them. Not you on an individual level, but as a collective - guys wouldn't act the way they do if it wasn't a successful strategy.


I agree with this as well Justin. I have a lot of female friends and some of the shit I hear guys say and do to them is stunning. But what's even more stunning is that they will continue to see said guys.. :nono:

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