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How is he being a cheater if they just went on one date? Does this mean he is now not allowed to date other women???

I think you're misunderstanding. It's not about him cheating on her, it's about the fact that he probably has a girlfriend or wife all over his myspace page, therefore he didn't want to give that info out knowing that he would be exposed.

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Oh, haha. yeah, he is probably a dog. That being said, just because some girls are posting up stupid shit on his Myspace page (and thats all that anyone posts on Myspace) doesn't make him a slut, maybe he's just popular. My point is that, just because some are sluts, don't just assume that all guys are.

Edited by max power
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I think you're misunderstanding. It's not about him cheating on her, it's about the fact that he probably has a girlfriend or wife all over his myspace page, therefore he didn't want to give that info out knowing that he would be exposed.

Exactly Micheal. You're missing the whole point. I could honestly care LESS about the actual guys. I was just wondering why this is becoming a common occurrance. It's the fact that I have a HUGE issue with people that lie with no remorse. These people lack any kind of character and integrity thus I would not want to be with them. And NO after one date I would not expect any kind of exclusivity as I would hope the guy wouldn't either. I just thought it was shady. I ask everyone...male and female.....for their myspace/facebook links when I meet them. It's not a pick up line. It's a mode of communication. Geez.

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I think you're misunderstanding. It's not about him cheating on her, it's about the fact that he probably has a girlfriend or wife all over his myspace page, therefore he didn't want to give that info out knowing that he would be exposed.

And that is why I'm not on Myspace. Besides it being ghey, It opens your private life up for the whole world to see........and its ghey.

I guess I just don't need that much attention.

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Oh, haha. yeah, he is probably a dog. That being said, just because some girls are posting up stupid shit on his Myspace page (and thats all that anyone posts on Myspace) doesn't make him a slut, maybe he's just popular. My point is that, just because some are sluts, don't just assume that all guys are.

Now I think you're making myspace out to be something it's not. As Sara just stated, it's just another for of communication as well as a fom of self expression. Mine and many (including Sara's) have so many blockers and privacy settings that you cannot post anything without already being on our friend list and then it still requires our approval.

It's no different than emailing someone..

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And that is why I'm not on Myspace. Besides it being ghey, It opens your private life up for the whole world to see........and its ghey.

I guess I just don't need that much attention.

it only opens up your private life however much you allow

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And that is why I'm not on Myspace. Besides it being ghey, It opens your private life up for the whole world to see........and its ghey.

I guess I just don't need that much attention.

See above post.

I don't like attention from people I don't know either, which is why mine is set to "private". And there is nothing extremely personal on mine anyway, or at least nothing I wouldn't tell a person after a bit of conversation.

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See above post.

I don't like attention from people I don't know either, which is why mine is set to "private". And there is nothing extremely personal on mine anyway, or at least nothing I wouldn't tell a person after a bit of conversation.


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See above post.

I don't like attention from people I don't know either, which is why mine is set to "private". And there is nothing extremely personal on mine anyway, or at least nothing I wouldn't tell a person after a bit of conversation.

That's funny because I usually post my bank account numbers, SSN, passwords to various forums, sordid and embarrassing stories about my personal sex life, and LOLCats - especially LOLCats - on my Myspace. :fruit:

Edited by JRMMiii
Double post... no literally, I had the word "post" in there twice and it didn't make sense.
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How is he being a cheater if they just went on one date? Does this mean he is now not allowed to date other women???

I thought Pratt said one of them had a picture of their girlfriend or wife on their myspace page? Maybe I just made this up... anyways doesn't matter. :dj:

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That's funny because I post usually post my bank account numbers, SSN, passwords to various forums, sordid and embarrassing stories about my personal sex life, and LOLCats - especially LOLCats - on my Myspace. :fruit:

:lol: I'm more of a visual person so I just upload lots of nude mirror shots of myself.

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That's funny because I post usually post my bank account numbers, SSN, passwords to various forums, sordid and embarrassing stories about my personal sex life, and LOLCats - especially LOLCats - on my Myspace. :fruit:

Dude, you have a TON of personal info availiable on Yourspace. :cool:

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True, but do you want people that you wouldn't want to talk to knowing who you work for, your girls name, what she looks like or that you were out of town for a couple weeks in Oct? Its a personal security issue that I wouldn't feel too comfortable with. Maybe I'm just paranoid......

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True, but do you want people that you wouldn't want to talk to knowing who you work for, your girls name, what she looks like or that you were out of town for a couple weeks in Oct? Its a personal security issue that I wouldn't feel too comfortable with. Maybe I'm just paranoid......

Then don't put any of that info on there. It can be extremely personal or completely generic.

And LOL at wolfman handing out the nudes.. :D

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