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Thanks for posting! Micheal (zerocrash) and I were discussing this on the phone again today and we were kinda suprised that nobody else was really wanting to give some input here. I know the fellas AND ladies have opinions. I put my buisness out there for a reason. I can handle a**holes like this but I think many women are very naive about men and their intentions....and vise versa. I agree that the first one probably had poor intentions towards me and that's the vibe that I picked up on the first time we went out. That's why I did a search once I was home (he never got a return call...hehe). The second one...well we had mutual acquaintences and everyone that knows me knows no booty will be given from this gal! Anyhoo, thanks all who did give their opinion! I know these r girly discussions but I luv them!!! :D

I didn't give much input b/c I feel like we already covered this subject in your 'Why does he only text me' thread.

Besides, I'm lucky enough to have found a great guy so I don't really have any current feedback for the dating scene.....

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I agree with this as well Justin. I have a lot of female friends and some of the shit I hear guys say and do to them is stunning. But what's even more stunning is that they will continue to see said guys.. :nono:

agreed!!! do you know how may times i have sat and talked with friends that are girls and they sit there and say why cant i just find a good guy. my honest response is to them that every nice guy that comes dont ever get a chance. they would rather be treated like dirt by the "bad boy"

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I don't want to start trouble. I will just mention that I have had three internet relationships. Two of the guys I got involved with. Both of them were about getting sex without a price basically. The one guy I flew out to the west coast to spend a week with. I was only 19yrs old. He wanted to keep the relationship going. I had to end it.

So my opinion on this subject is ruined. I think internet, myspace, facebook, and instant mesgr are great communication tools, but poor relationship avenues. I have been burnt pretty badly. The funny thing is, I knew better.

Live and learn girls. It happens to the best of us. I DID NOT meet my husband thru anything internet related. It's better one on one. A man has a harder time lying to your face.

Edited by Mandova
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.... The one guy I flew out to the west coast to spend a week with. I was only 19yrs old. He wanted to keep the relationship going. I had to end it.....

You flew HIM out????? :eek:

I thought I had it rough when I had to buy dinner and a movie.....:wheelchair:....I must be from a completely different generation.......

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I don't want to start trouble. I will just mention that I have had three internet relationships. Two of the guys I got involved with. Both of them were about getting sex without a price basically. The one guy I flew out to the west coast to spend a week with. I was only 19yrs old. He wanted to keep the relationship going. I had to end it.

So my opinion on this subject is ruined. I think internet, myspace, facebook, and instant mesgr are great communication tools, but poor relationship avenues. I have been burnt pretty badly. The funny thing is, I knew better.

Live and learn girls. It happens to the best of us. I DID NOT meet my husband thru anything internet related. It's better one on one. A man has a harder time lying to your face.

It doesn't work for everyone BUT my brother met his wife who happened to live in maumee (we are from genoa which is just east of Toledo and Maumee) while he was in IRAQ serving our country. They were in a Toledo chat room together and she didn't believe he was in Iraq until he turned on his webcam. hehe. Now 4 years later they have 2 beautiful children and are happily married moving around the country from city to city (he's in the coast guard now...moved to homeland security). Now I do have to admit that they talked for 9 months b/f he got home and the first day he got in town they did sleep together but my brother was already in love with her. She got pregnant 6 months later and got married after my little hunter bug was born. Although NOBODY in my family likes her they are very happy together. "Some" internet relationships do work out. It's a woman's fault for a guy having the ability to make it "all" sexual if she gives it up the first or second time they are together. It worked for my sister in law but my brother is and has always been a relationship oriented guy. He's always been honorable and NEVER cheated on a girl even when they treated him like crap.

Just my opinion anyway. :p

And FYI...I didn't meet either of those idiots online. I meet them in person.

Edited by PrincessPratt
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I guess what I need to be able to realize is that others have different boundaries than I do. I am a VERY open person. I don't really have secrets & what u see is what u get. When others are more secretive I get VERY uncomfortable around them.

+1 I really don't have any personal boundaries when I'm dating a person. I don't care if they go through my shit, check my email, check text messages, etc....I don't have anything to hide. I forget that most people are not the same way and need their own personal/private space and sometimes mistake their need for some privacy as being secretive/hiding something. Something I guess I need to work on!

I agree with most everything said on here. I think those guys were probably being dishonest to hide something.:confused: The one probably didn't want you calling him out for being a cheater!!:eek:

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