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Coworker shoots daughters, kills self.


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An employee at our company's location in Dallas shot both his young daughters, killing one, then shot and killed himself.


From EVERYone's account, he was the 100% "normal" jolly late 40's guy. Only trigger people can think of a fear of losing the kids in a seperation he and his wife were beginning to go through.


Only real reason for sharing is to ask for your thoughts for the girls, wife, and even him.


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I can't even think of anything but dying FOR my child to protect it right now. Not Killing it. I just don't understand......


I completely agree. I think your and my kids are a couple weeks apart. Maybe me having a new son is why this hit so hard. I worked with this guy fairly closely a few years back and on occasional issues since then. Shocked me.

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I was on Jury Duty the last 2 weeks and I was called to sit on a Jury where the father was indicted for Domestic Violence against his wife and 2-3 year old child. I asked to be excused from the jury and they let me. I couldn't be impartial being a new father, I don't get it.
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Being a relatively new father I was not sure how I would be as someones "dad". Or if I would cut it. There was even some fear that I would not love the child as much as I was suppose to. After she was born I instantly understood my fears were unfounded and that I would anything within my power to protect her. When I saw stories like this pre-parenthood I was dumbfounded as to how someone could do something this vile. Post-paretnhood I understand even less, and hope only the worst for this kind of scum.
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Guest Mushijobah
There is no explanation in this other than serious mental problems. No sane parent should even have to state that he would do anything to save his child. This guy was on a different level of thought, unaproachable to the normal parent.
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