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Tour de Cure: Diabetes Fund Raiser


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Hey everyone,

I'm just putting up this post to hopefully get people to sponsor me for the Tour de Cure. All the money I raise goes to Diabetes research. This hits close to home for me because my girlfriend has Type 1 diabetes. I have pledged to ride the 75k route (longest route available for the Indianapolis stop). I need at LEAST to raise at least $150 to ride. Please if you see the gauge is already passed $150 don't be shy keep donating the more money we raise the closer we are to a cure. No matter how small the donation everything helps.


Tour de Cure has made donating very easy by being able to donate online. For more details on the ride and donations please see my 'home page' below.




Thanks for your time and donations.



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COME ON YOU CHEAP ASSES. Ohh my cars so fast blah blah. 10$ to much for you??? I expected to click donate and see he had blew his goal away, I know we've got some diabetics here.



;) Little competition on who will donate the most?




Transaction Summary

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Personal Note:

Hey man, Good luck your there.


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Its a TAX write off too.


btw my post is sarcasm, I'm just hoping to see some of you jump on it.



My wifes Child onset (Insulin type), I know how important a cure is.



Berto you see the recent potial cure using stem cells? It worked on over 50% of the test patients.


Not all stem cells have to come from featuses eather.

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Yeah there is also another cure I heard of briefly where they take a piece of your kidney and mutate it to a pancreas (insulin gland).


The $150 is behind me now so I updated the goal a bit higher. Please feel free to pass this on to anyone.


Please don't let the scrolling names with honors scare you away from a small donation. If the scrolling honor roll bothers you just put your display name as anonymous.


Thanks again to all that have donated, as Thorne said this is a tax write off, I can PDF a recept for you if you want.

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  • 1 month later...

FYI for those that donated or anyone still thinking in donating.


After I added offline donations the total raised is $437.00! I would be stoked to get up to $500 so if you have some money you want to put away for a good cause let me know!

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