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My Viper With A Hole In The Hood


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did he at least stop to confess to it. I can get you parts for cheap (well its a viper so cheaper than most people) if you need them .


I know the guy so it wasnt a problem, How much can you get a 1994 !st gen hood for? His insurance will cover everything but i am just shopping around right now.

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I make over 60k a year and I have an 2005 and an 2007 Lexus plus my Mustang and Sienna mini-van.Oh yea,the 2007 is a Demo and the 2005 is paid for by the Company .I couldn't make a payment on a 30k car right now as I have 3 kids a wife and a mortgage.My parents had someone do that to the grille of their LS400 but left and didn't say anything.That sucks.Could you find that hood used?
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i heard that that whole front clip/hood of a viper is like 4k dunno not for sure tho


I wish...


Closer to $10k for just the factory hood and another couple thousand for the front bumper and labor/paint, etc...


His insurance co is going to be pissed when they get the $13k+ quote. I would def try and get an aftermarket Carbon Fiber while you are having to fix it....

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I hope the insurance co. just sends me a check for lots of cash, and then i can take my time putting it back together, oh and as for me having a Viper at 22... had a really good Job for beening 18 making 35K+ and budget, single helps. lost job and in the army now, i really dont get paid anything now but i dont have to worry about rent or food cost. but budget is number one.
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