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Nuge's view

El Karacho1647545492

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haha, i love these people. and it is true, "guns don't kill people, the people who hold them do". set that gun down and i bet you could fuck the barrel and nothing would happen....now put it in some disturbed individuals hand, and blam,there goes your weiner.


no matter what, anti-gun law or no gun law....carrying guns out in the open or having them completely illegal...the people who commit violent crimes will get them anyway. it's like weed, it's illegal but damn is it easy and cheap to get a hold of. and a person who has pre-meditated and commited himself to a shooting spree or murdering someone is not gonna give a hoot about some gay 'anti-gun' law that at most would carry a few days in jail or some crappy fine.


i think that someone dropped the ball here, and in many cases that are similar....someone missed the red flags and warning signs and the problem snow-balled from there. i am also a firm believer of bad parenting causing quite a bit of violence.

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The individual was judged mentally ill. He used a TOOL to kill people. He could have swerved his hyundai at high speed down a crowded campus sidewalk and take out that many people. Time to ban cars because they are a tool that can be used to kill.


Say for instance he could not obtain a firearm, what if he walked into the classroom with a homemade bomb, oh noes just as many dead. For a determined person, where theres a will, theres a way.


Don't blame the spoon for making Rosie fat. Just my opinion.

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Guest Mushijobah

If there are guns at all in a country, you better be ready to go up against individuals like this. Nuge made a great point. By turning 'gun' into a dirty word, and trying to forget about Americas firearm herritage, it leaves the general public as sitting ducks. One person could have stopped this. I might also ad that nothing but good has come from Ohio's new strictly regulated concealed carry privledge. If you can pass a class

and have a stable background, there is no reason why you shouldn't be able to carry a gun. Stable people have been known to snap, but a law abiding concealed carrier has not. Gun free zones scare me. It is a bunch of unarmed people co-existing surrounded by an area where having/carrying guns is OK; The perfect ambush for someone who wants to do a lot of damage without the fear of getting shot himself.

My $.02

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then I guess I will consider myself deputized until my hand is cold, dead and gun free.


The only people that should be allowed to own/possess firearms are police officers.


That's my humble, biased two cents.

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The only people that should be allowed to own/possess firearms are police officers.


That's my humble, biased two cents.


If it wasn't for our forefathers of farmers, country men, shop keepers, owning weapons, we would be rulled by Parliment and Tony Blair. True Story. There will always be violence, we are a violent species. My .02

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then I guess I will consider myself deputized until my hand is cold, dead and gun free.


Worth a 2nd Quote...


Gun laws only hurt those who have a right to carry them.

If your a psychopath you are not going to be obeying any laws anything.


If it wasn't for such law's perhaps someone would have been carrying a gun in the school and took him down before he killed 30+ people....

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The only people that should be allowed to own/possess firearms are police officers.


That's my humble, biased two cents.


Ok I'll stand up and agree with you.

As you've all read, this guy at VT might have had problems and deemed "mentally ill" but he had every right (legally) as an American citizen to buy that gun. So there's your theory of "criminals will have them so why can't we" go right out the window.


You think these people are born criminals? Nope.. they start at the gun shop, buying a 9mm handgun.


Ban all handguns!


My .02

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The only people that should be allowed to own/possess firearms are police officers.


That's my humble, biased two cents.

That worked well for many of the tyrannical governments of the past...

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If it wasn't for our forefathers of farmers, country men, shop keepers, owning weapons, we would be rulled by Parliment and Tony Blair. True Story. There will always be violence, we are a violent species. My .02



One person with weapon could have saved many lives in Virgina. I hope that if i am ever in a situation like that, I will have the courage to act. Although we do not like to think that thing like this may happen, and it may be a very remote chance. I would do whatever it takes to protect myself , my family, or a complete stranger.

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Ok I'll stand up and agree with you.

Nope.. they start at the gun shop, buying a 9mm handgun.


No they start in middle and high school buying firearms from other thugs... true story! I lived it. :nono:


Ban all handguns!


My .02

I will still have my long guns, black powder guns, sling shot, ball bat, kitchen knife, jar of gas, and any other legally owned object that can kill a person.




Triple Post

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Ok I'll stand up and agree with you.

As you've all read, this guy at VT might have had problems and deemed "mentally ill" but he had every right (legally) as an American citizen to buy that gun. So there's your theory of "criminals will have them so why can't we" go right out the window.


You think these people are born criminals? Nope.. they start at the gun shop, buying a 9mm handgun.


Ban all handguns!


My .02



He'd have gotten the guns one way or another. He just chose to go about it the legal way. Do you honestly think that someone with that much hate would put their sadistic plans on hold just because they couldn't obtain a handgun the legal way?


Anti-gun people never cease to amaze me.

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Simply put, you'd be quite inbalanced to think guns should be banned. This Cho fuck may have got it legally, but he brought it ILLEGALLY into a guns-free zone. Anyone crazy enough to want to kill someone will find a way to do it. If he didn't get ahold of a gun, he would have made a bomb or found another way. Why take away the last defense another human has? If I couldn't have a gun and there was a shooter near, I'd be left to dial 911 or hope for the best. Really, people with this point of view are moronic.
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Guest Mushijobah
Sit back down



Yes, please do.



Ban handguns? Do you realize what it would be like with no one but criminals having those weapons? Chuck Norris invented a word for it, they call it 'pandamonium'.


Yes, I have been drinking.

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I own several guns. I enjoy going to the range, and shooting clay and the like. Though I've never hunted nor have I had any desire to kill something for no other reason than to kill it. I'm not against hunting, I just don't do it. Plus have YOU ever seen an asian guy in brown camo and orange. We just don't look right.


My wife and I both have our concealed carry, and on occasion I exercise that right. I have never committed a serious crime (felony) and have never once thought of shooting someone that just pissed me off in traffic or something. Most individuals that own guns are responsible people, with respect for the damage a gun can do if handled improperly, or put into the wrong hands.


That said, the gun laws in this country do need to be way more strict. There should be no reason in the world I can go to any Gun Show/Swap with little more than an I.D. and be able to purchase any number of weapons. I personally hate it when the NRA happy people complain about gun laws making it too difficult to get a firearm. It should be difficult, it should be gone over with a fine tooth comb every time someone chooses to purchase a firearm. Because there are plenty ( I would love to see a percentage but I can't find one ) of guns purchased completely legally that are used in crimes. Yes, many criminals will get illegal guns, so all that banning guns accomplishes is taking them out of the homes of law-abiding people who would like to protect their families. Though that doesn't mean it should be so easy to obtain.


(follwed by the sound of a couple pennies hitting the ground)

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I own several guns. I enjoy going to the range, and shooting clay and the like. Though I've never hunted nor have I had any desire to kill something for no other reason than to kill it. I'm not against hunting, I just don't do it.


My wife and I both have our concealed carry, and on occasion I exercise that right. I have never committed a serious crime (felony) and have never once thought of shooting someone that just pissed me off in traffic or something. Most individuals that own guns are responsible people, with respect for the damage a gun can do if handled improperly, or put into the wrong hands.


That said, the gun laws in this country do need to be way more strict. There should be no reason in the world I can go to any Gun Show/Swap with little more than an I.D. and be able to purchase any number of weapons. I personally hate it when the NRA happy people complain about gun laws making it too difficult to get a firearm. It should be difficult, it should be gone over with a fine tooth comb every time someone chooses to purchase a firearm. Because there are plenty ( I would love to see a percentage but I can't find one ) of guns purchased completely legally that are used in crimes. Yes, many criminals will get illegal guns, so all that banning guns accomplishes is taking them out of the homes of law-abiding people who would like to protect their families. Though that doesn't mean it should be so easy to obtain.


(follwed by the sound of a couple pennies hitting the ground)


I agree! I think everyone should have the right to obtain any gun, but only the responsible people who pass vigorous tests/background checks should be awarded ownership. I want these people, the ones who will be responsible, to carry a gun at their own desire for safety.

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Some good information in that, and all the facts check out.


I'm sure most of you are just speaking from what you know and not what you have experienced. But the thing is, my family and I wouldn't be around today if it wasn't for our right to own guns. I think that the people that think we should ban guns are just ignorant and need to get a clue. There is a problem with crime in this world, and there always has been. and its a fight fire with fire situation. if you want to guarantee the safety of you and your family buy a gun and get a ccw, because in my own experience the cops are sure as hell not going to be there to help when you need them ( even if you give them 45 fucking minutes, and call 911 13 times ).


Don't get me wrong a totally gun free world would be spectacular! but this isn't a fucking fairy tale, a totally gun free world will never exist. so banning guns will never work.


Seriously, look at the crime rates in England and Australia, and please make sure its per capita there is a big population difference in the countries. Their gun control sure didn't do them any good at all.

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You think these people are born criminals? Nope.. they start at the gun shop, buying a 9mm handgun.


Ban all handguns!


My .02


this is the type of ignorance that I'm talking about.



edit: I'm not trying to bee an asshole, just that to me when someone says that I shouldn't have the right to own a firearm, I take it just the same as them telling me I don't have the right to be alive.

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Ban all handguns!


My .02

Do you have any idea of the difference between a .22cal walther pistol(used in this crime scene) and a ruger 10/22? People around this country grew up learning to shoot on a good ole ruger 10/22. They shoot the EXACT same cartridge, the exact same bullet. Each one takes one trigger pull to fire the bullet and to chamber the next round. Thats one trigger pull, one bang. Each semi auto weapon fires at exactly the same rate. The tool used to fire the bullet is in this case, a handgun and in the case of the 10/22 a rifle.



You do not know or understand how firearms work and you only buy into what the media is feeding you. Truly try to open your mind. A trip to the range may help you to protect yourself and loved ones.


The cops at Va. Tech had two hours warning that there could be a "situation" and could not respond to it, how long will it take them to get there when you dial 911? The police can protect you, in ten minutes when the murder or rape is done.

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the people that say 'ban all guns' should take a fucking "chill pill"...i'm sorry, but i have a house that borders the woods' and so does my g/f's parents....with all the home invasions that have been happening recently...i'd feel much more secure with a pistol than i would with me 9 iron and butcher knife. if you live in a "housing complex" than 'yeah' for you....but if you live on the outskirts then i am a tad bit nervous....


and i agree with the post above ttt.....someone dropped the fucking ball...and no one wants to take the blame! as of 11:ish tonight....we were on our way downtown...my chicka calls 1800-DUI on some tools....they reply...we are too busy atm...hahaha...no wonder why most of the world hates the US.

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