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Food Poisoning


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The g/f and I both got it.


The ONLY thing we ate yesterday was the Chinese Buffet for dinner, the one across the street from Applebee's on Brice Rd.


I've been there a number of times, first time something like this happened. She woke up around 5am, threw up then, and again around 6.


Around 6, my stomache started hurting, and though I have blew chunks yet. I even called off work, since I know I'm going to be throwing up for a bit, and don't need to be doing that at work.

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I got it from a buffet in St. Louis. I think I got it from the Mac & Cheese. That was one of the worst times of my life. I was in bed for 5-6 days and I lost 20 pounds. I should have been in the hospital but I did not have insurance.


Needless to say I did not eat mac & cheese for almost 5 years.

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That sucks I was just about go there over the weekend guess I will stick to the one by Eastland Mall..


Not eating mac & cheese for a full five years has got to stuck!! mmmmmm mac & cheese but I can't talk


I tried to eat jello when I was 3 threw it up and NEVER EVER attempted to eat it again..

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Ehh, must be a mild case. I was feeling pretty crappy for a while, but couldn't crap or puke. Stomache hurt pretty bad, and have been napping a lot today.


Still hurts, but not as bad. I've got that flu-type feeling in my stomache, but no other symptoms (no coughing, sinuses are fine, no sore throat, not dizzy, nothing but my stomache hurting).


Guess I must have only had a little bit of whatever that crap was.

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