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Forza 2 May29 ... demo soon ...


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Having clocked an ungodly amount of hours with the OG Forza I am super-stoked about the upcoming release. I am waiting with fervent anticipation for the demo so I can whet my appetite.


Some neat additions to the game include better physics (is it possible), better damage modeling, and 4000 possible layers (however unused they may go) for all you Forza car-choppers out there (myself included). I'm particularly anxious to try out the new editor as many of the hours I put into the game were spent perfecting the designs of the cars I purchased. My favorite still being the 03 Skyline GTR I wasted many a night on. Plus there is an actual text editor this time around so no more chopping shapes to make words.


Add to that the new Live features such as the online auctions. Plus other multiplayer aspects, which is one of the many features that turned me off of the Gran Turismo games.


I just purchased the Microsoft Wireless Wheel w/PGR in preparation. I have to say I am impressed. The quality of wheel itself (even the table mount) is top notch and with the table mount you can really feel the force feedback fighting with you. I plan on buying on of these before the game drops.




Waste of money ... I don't think so.


Though I won't be buying 3 seperate 360's with 3 seperate flat panel screens to do the side window views ... as awesome as that sounds.

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I meant first/second hand information on actually using one of them! ;)


Def will. A buddy of mine built his own gaming chair with an actual sparco seat and mini-cage. I was thoroughly impressed. After playing GT in that chair I knew I was gonna have to step it up for Forza 2. Though I am way too lazy to build my own, so this one will have to do. So far I've heard nothing but good things about playseats.

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