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Everything posted by dan93z28

  1. what type of price range are we looking at to tune a 93? I have some wicked exhaust leaks I need to take care of, but then I could definitely use a tune.
  2. Macs are cool, but they are a little to pricey for my conscience. A linux-distro/xp dual-boot is pretty awesome in my opinion. And if you like the way the OS X desktop looks, you can make a linux desktop look almost exactly like it. But beware... http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/cautionary.png it happened to me and itll happen to you.
  3. dan93z28


    there will be no info getting at this sight.
  4. http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa215/dan93z28/100_7420.jpg ignore the 3 tards to my right http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa215/dan93z28/n758730108_2067133_1151.jpg
  5. ill trade you a 93 mercury tracer wagon
  6. That.................was...................awesome Weezer has always been a favorite of mine.
  7. A post longer than a sentence fragment would probably make a better intro.
  8. Just registered. hopefully were spared the rain.
  9. license plate number saved in phone for later reference. People like this don't deserve to drive period, let alone anything resembling a nice car.
  10. its roof is attached with half inch brackets from a hardware store, and some wood screws..............del crx........that is all.
  11. im no computer savvy, but i believe what your looking at is the virus. it pretends to be an anti-virus program to get on your system. it came up on mine the other day too.
  12. dan93z28

    Fast V6 Stang

    Jesus Christ that is all
  13. that truck is major weak-sauce. anyone who wants a TRUCK, for the purpose of a TRUCK, is not gonna buy some Indian built P.O.S. American owns all at trucks.
  14. ill try and snap a pic or two tonight, and think of a fair price.
  15. btw how many kids do you have?
  16. Ive got one i might make a deal on. its an element deck with tensor trucks, black zero wheels, bones reds bearings. deck is a lil chewed up. Ive always been anal abt my shit, so its never seen water or anything, and the griptape is fairly clean. bearings are a little old, but still ride pretty nice, and i think a new set of reds is like 15$
  17. +1 kinda makes it a bitch.
  18. I am most DEFINITELY interested in the hoist and stand
  19. im pretty sure thats pornographic, and should be labeled NWS accordingly.
  20. does anyone happen to know the DSL server? can you use the rr server without having rr? im confused
  21. ok. well if they are still for sale by the time i have money, i will contact you.
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