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Pranking roomate

Chad is Dead

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I'm just kind of bored today and feel like pranking my roomate. He has in no means done nothing wrong so I don't want to do anything to messed up to him. He spends most of his time in his room. So preferably something in there. He also has a bathroom in there w/ shower. So any good ideas just to fuck w/ him a little bit?
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I like the cream cheese deoderant. You take out his stick, fill with cream cheese, mold to look real, enjoy. Or clear jello in the toilet, i believe you just make the jello in his toilet. you could always just upperdeck him. its fun not real messy, no physical harm.
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take a screenshot of his desktop and then set that screenshot as the backround and secretly move all the desktop icons into a hidden folder.. it'll look like nothing was changed but guess what.. none of the icons work :)
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what is a bouillon cube? and so far I got on his computer and slowed the speed of his mouse down so it takes forever to get from one side of the screen to the other. Thanks for the other suggestions. I'll be considering them

It is a little cube that is about 1/4" * 1/4" and when you mix it with hot water it will make chicken broth, or something that tastes/smells/looks like chicken broth. they also make beef

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make it so when he walks in his door, he decapitates himself...that'd be hilarious.








something my friends did to me was put post-it notes on literally everything I had in my room...clothes, paperclips, condoms, DVDs, all my money, etc. probably took a while to do, but I was still finding stuff weeks later

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bouillon cube in the shower head is always a fun one.


Yeast cubes are a bit smellier. If he has a medicine cabinet, using a piece of cardboard, fill it with marbles or something similar, shut the door and slide the cardboard out. I'm sure you can figure out what happens. Oldie but goodie; saran wrap the top of the toilet under the seat. Vaseline door knobs. If he likes to keep his door shut, set something gross feeling to step in just outside the door or if you can set up some thick string about 4-5in high pulled taut just outside his door. Leave him a glass of "orange juice' by his bedside. (Hint: It's not really oj.) They sell some parrot food that looks strikely similar to Fruit Loops. I bought real fruit loops just to pull this trick off on my roomate and gave him the parrot food fruit loops w/milk. He ate quite a bit of it before even asking me why it tasted kinda stale and if mine was the same. Dog food cookies from the bulk containers at pet stores that look like oreos. A shit load of a condiment that will mix well (salt, hot sauce, etc) in his drink when he's not looking. I've used all of these on friends/roomates. I know there are some more and I'm sure they remember. lol But that's all i remember offhand. I have a couple others, but they're much more complicated to pull off and you have to some supplies or a particular home setup to pull off.

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take a screenshot of his desktop and then set that screenshot as the backround and secretly move all the desktop icons into a hidden folder.. it'll look like nothing was changed but guess what.. none of the icons work :)


100% Calssic. Even better to do at work. Absolutely priceless if they are a tard and call the IT guy up to look at it.

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Stuff I've done this year to people in my dorm...... Some you might not want to do since you live in the same place:


-Shit in a cup and hid it in their room where they wouldnt find it.

-filled a condom with about 5 gallons of water(just to breaking point), then me and someone else carefully carried it on cardboard to the person's room and set it on their bed then slid the cardboard out. As soon as he tried to pick it up, the condom burst and water went everywhere.

-fill shoes with baking soda

-took an accordian folder and filled it with shaving cream then slid the open end under the door and stomped on it.

-the leaner, filled trashcan with water and leaned it on person's door then knocked

-penny locked, shove pennies and dimes tightly into shut door around the handle putting so much pressure on the door he can't turn the handle

-pissed in a plate, froze it turned the plate upside down and slid the piss disk under the door

-the whole shaving creak smack into their face when they're sleeping


.....i know I've done more, when I think of it I'll post them

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