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Pranking roomate

Chad is Dead

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Push the top of the door (from the outside) as hard as you can while pushing a wedge of pennies about 6 inches above the door knob. If done correctly, the knob mechanism will be jammed against the frame rendering it useless. While you have the person or persons trapped inside, empty and entire container of baby powder at the base of the door. Grab a hairdryer and proceed to envelope the room in a choking white-out of baby powder.



Stick a can of Foamy brand shaving cream in the freezer. Remove and use push pins to poke dozens of holes in the can. Place in a back pack, car, closet, etc. While the can thaws it will emit dozens of streams of foam everywhere.




Take a can of Foamy and push 5 thumbtacks in so that each finger will hold one in. Shake vigorously and knock on someones door. When the open the door, toss the can in. Shaving Cream grenade!



I was on probation at BGSU for pranks. How bad do you wanna get?

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some of these are incredible. food coloring in one of his drinks will typically turn his urine that color.



there's a whole book written by hayduke titled 'revenge'--most of the pranks you would not want to do on a friend.


we used to do the old trusty milk carton joke. hide an open milk container somewhere and wait--obviously not one for you being that you live there.


perhaps the most cruel one is to go to the dorm room community laundry area. people typically put their clothes in and go away to study. put a couple of pieces of pizza in the dryer with someones' clothes, and presto--you've ruined an entire set of clothes

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