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Photoshop guys help me out please


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I've got some picks of me and Martin the guy who played super mario brother and other game songs on pianno super fast and blind folded. I met him at Video Games Live. But the pics are dark if someone could fix them for me that would rock






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I've got some picks of me and Martin the guy who played super mario brother and other game songs on pianno super fast and blind folded.


Whoa Cowboy, break that shit down, that was one helluva run on sentence. English much? ;)

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I'm sure he has a 3rd eye remotely located...jeez. you internet geeks. lawlz


oh shit, thats all he did? puhhhleeeez. Thats like typing without looking at the keyboard, it just takes practice and memory.


Shit, when i saw the word Mario I thought he beat the motherfucking game blindfolded, LOL, and that shit is impossible, hence why I said he must have a 3rd eye or something.



oh shit, it must be past my bedtime and i must be past my alcohol limit, haha.

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