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Cracking encryption on HD DVDs is a big deal. Seeing as the Movie industry is going to be royally pissed at this. If there is no encryption on the DVDs that means you can copy them to your computer.


If you don't understand the problem around this then you need to level up your interweb skills.


Read here about the "Digital Boston Tea Party"



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It is important to remember... oh hell, who am I kidding? This shit isn't important at all.


Anyway, it's important to remember that this is just ONE key used in the AACS system that protects HD-DVD, and all future dvd releases will simply exclude this key. Hence, any decoder using this key will be broken. What does this mean? If the dvd player they pulled this key out of was the one you bought, you now own a future-proof paperweight. In the long run, it will mean players will have to incorporate more expensive means of protecting their decryption system, and thus will cost more to purchase. The loser? consumers, of course.

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Just tell me that Any DVD and DVD Copy now support blue ray / hd dvd copying and I'll be happy. These two work great on 99.9% of DVD's now.


I'm a simple guy, point, click, copy, done. I'll buy a blue ray/HD player once the media can be copied/burned. Otherwise, no thanks.

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Its a vendor specfic not really device specific. But yes it will get fixed. But now that people know how to extract it from memory they will find ways. This time they did not use debuggers but next time they might have to. so the next key hack might not be "DMCA" sanctioned. I know allot of people have made backups of dvds or used dvdripper/dvdcopy or any program like that. Those programs use this type of technology. DECSS might have been allot less complex but the concept is the same.



How would you like it if you bought a music cd you could only listen to in some players. OHHH WAIT THE RIAA has already done that one on some cds. How about a car that could only be driven on yellow roads. and to buy the yellow paint citys had to pay more.


Fair Use?

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Just tell me that Any DVD and DVD Copy now support blue ray / hd dvd copying and I'll be happy. These two work great on 99.9% of DVD's now.


I'm a simple guy, point, click, copy, done. I'll buy a blue ray/HD player once the media can be copied/burned. Otherwise, no thanks.



This is the mechanism that will make that possible. Just like DECSS was the mechanism for those programs.

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It is important to remember... oh hell, who am I kidding? This shit isn't important at all.


Anyway, it's important to remember that this is just ONE key used in the AACS system that protects HD-DVD, and all future dvd releases will simply exclude this key. Hence, any decoder using this key will be broken. What does this mean? If the dvd player they pulled this key out of was the one you bought, you now own a future-proof paperweight. In the long run, it will mean players will have to incorporate more expensive means of protecting their decryption system, and thus will cost more to purchase. The loser? consumers, of course.



Once companies understand this following statement then no one will lose out on anything. "If a human programed it then another human can reverse program it."

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doubt it. not enforcable anyway. all posts here will bea around for years as they are very likely archived on servers around the world for many years to come, so even if you delete the post today, it will likely ahve been captured by a system somewhere and googlable the next day.



with throne posting that key up on a public forum doesnt that open CR to legal issues???
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