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President's Veto of the War Spending Bill


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I am glad that it was vetoed. The politicians on the hill have no business telling someone 6000 miles away how to fight a war. The commander in chief is just that, the commander of the armed forces. Congress does not hold that title, and I am glad they don't. On a related note, the amount of pork that they lined that bill with is absolutely sickening.



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Speaking of keeping us safe, many forget that NO FURTHER attacks have occurred on our soil since the war on terror has been going on. I would venture to say that is a good aspect in a bad situation.

Not the same for th Brits, just because nothing has happened since, doesn't mean its done for good. I expect it to happen again.



I do not agree 100% with all of Bush's policies, with the war I am with him 100%. Kill them in the sand box, I don't want to live like the people of Israel. Fearing the next car bomb, wondering if my kids will make it home from school due to someone blowing the bus up, is not the way I want to live. For those that say that would never happen in the US, the best way to keep it from happening is to stop it before it starts.

I thinks it damn near impossible to stop how people live over there. How do you change a mentality thats been around longer than our own country?



The same people that worry about their kids do this, even her family members were in on it.




U.S. lawmakers agree that these people are not like us.[/Quote]

By all means lets go change them. :rolleyes:

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When we say "we" we mean the countrymen(women) of "The United States of America." Not being in Iraq fighting the war does not invalidate anyones opinion on the matter. The soldiers didn't all get together and decide to go into Iraq, they were ordered to, and they did. Thats what soldiers do. Our leadership makes decisions on what and how to go about said war(s) and we vote those people into office. Therefore everyone and anyone has the right to say whatever the hell they want to regardless of how unpopular that opinion may be.


That said. Your solution is sound.

Yeah, but again VOLUNTEER, 100% volunteer. Nobody puts a gun to your head when you enlist. I truly VOLUNTEERED to go specifically to Iraq. I choose to go to Fort Hood, knowing that both 4th Infantry Division and 1st Cavalry Division were both there, and both going to Iraq. Granted I think we should yank out sometime soon. Time for the lazy ass Iraqis to take control of their shit. We did what we needed to do, time for them to get their lazy asses in gear and do something about their shit hole bass ackwards country.

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The intelligence from multiple countries, including the liberal mecca of France pointed to Iraq having WMD. As a matter of fact WMD materials and prohibited weapons were found...click


are those the leftovers from the shit we gave him in the 80s? the stuff with a shelf life of 3-5 years, that today, is about as harmful as a can of bug spray?


the claim was that he reconstituted his WMD program, which was entirely untrue. we went to find all of these new weps he was developing.



“President Saddam Hussein has recently told the head of the Palestinian political office, Faroq al-Kaddoumi, his decision to raise the sum granted to each family of the martyrs of the Palestinian uprising to $25,000 instead of $10,000,” Tariq Aziz


This may not be al-Qaeda, but the funding of terrorist is just as bad!


we arent talking about him supporting terrorists in general. its about his support for al-qaeda. ya know... the ones responsible for 9/11.. the reason given as to why we invaded in the first place.


hell, WE support terrorist groups.


WE supported OBL when reagan was in office

WE put saddam into power

WE have a very long history of supporting terrorist orginazations... does that mean the rest of the world should come invade us?



WE are currently supporting a terrorist group in iraq because they dont like iran.


Apparently, the U.S. and British authorities have turned so desperate for an alibi that they readily embraced the assertion of an infamous anti-Iranian Mujahedin-e Khalgh (MEK) group, listed as a terrorist organization of bandits by Britain, the U.S., and the European Union.


It is noteworthy that three years ago, U.S. intelligence circles suggested re-arming MEK and using it to destabilize Iran, a recommendation that has apparently readily been implemented. The undertaking of this plan makes the U.S. government complicit in the terrorist acts that have been carried out inside Iran. The New York Times recently revealed that the camp operates under the protection of the U.S. military and American troops chauffer MEK operatives.


"The fall of Saddam Hussein‘s regime affected the circumstances of the designated foreign terrorist organization Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK). The MEK was allied with the Iraqi regime and received most of its support from it. The MEK assisted the Hussein regime in suppressing opposition within Iraq, and performed internal security for the Iraqi regime. The National Liberation Army was the military wing of the National Council of Resistance of Iran.




Mujahedeen-e-Khalq (MEK) is the largest and most militant group opposed to the Islamic Republic of Iran. Also known as the People’s Mujahedeen Organization of Iran, MEK is led by husband and wife Massoud and Maryam Rajavi. MEK was added to the U.S. State Department’s list of foreign terrorist groups in 1997.


The group has targeted Iranian government officials and government facilities in Iran and abroad; during the 1970s, it attacked Americans in Iran. While the group says it does not intentionally target civilians, it has often risked civilian casualties. It routinely aims its attacks at government buildings in crowded cities. MEK terrorism has declined since late 2001. Incidents linked to the group include:


The series of mortar attacks and hit-and-run raids during 2000 and 2001 against Iranian government buildings; one of these killed Iran’s chief of staff

The 2000 mortar attack on President Mohammad Khatami’s palace in Tehran

The February 2000 “Operation Great Bahman,” during which MEK launched 12 attacks against Iran

The 1999 assassination of the deputy chief of Iran’s armed forces general staff, Ali Sayyad Shirazi

The 1998 assassination of the director of Iran’s prison system, Asadollah Lajevardi

The 1992 near-simultaneous attacks on Iranian embassies and institutions in 13 countries Assistance to Saddam Hussein’s suppression of the 1991 Iraqi Shiite and Kurdish uprisings

The 1981 bombing of the offices of the Islamic Republic Party and of Premier Mohammad-Javad Bahonar, which killed some 70 high-ranking Iranian officials, including President Mohammad-Ali Rajaei and Bahonar Support for the 1979 takeover of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran by Iranian revolutionaries

The 1970s killings of U.S. military personnel and civilians working on defense projects in Tehran



In the early 1970s, angered by U.S. support for the pro-Western shah, MEK members killed several U.S. soldiers and civilians working on defense projects in Iran.







this is a terrorist group in iraq and iran, which has killed americans in the past. and WE are currently giving them support and protection.


Speaking of keeping us safe, many forget that NO FURTHER attacks have occurred on our soil since the war on terror has been going on. I would venture to say that is a good aspect in a bad situation.


thats specious reasoning.


by that logic i could say that this rock i have here keeps tigers away. how does it work? well i havent seen a tiger since i got it, so therefore it must be working great!


I do not agree 100% with all of Bush's policies, with the war I am with him 100%. Kill them in the sand box, I don't want to live like the people of Israel. Fearing the next car bomb, wondering if my kids will make it home from school due to someone blowing the bus up, is not the way I want to live. For those that say that would never happen in the US, the best way to keep it from happening is to stop it before it starts.




the war in iraq isnt going to stop any of that from happening here. the iraqis were not coming after us.


look, im not saying that saddam wasnt a dick. far from it. however, the reasoning that we were given as to why we were invading iraq was TOTAL BULLSHIT.


there was no collaboration b/w saddam and al-Qaeda.

there was no connection b/w saddam and 9/11.

there was no new WMD program.

saddam never gave aid to al-Qaeda. he tried to kill their #2 man when he was in iraq.


WMD and 9/11 had NOTHING to do with (read this part closely) why we invaded iraq.


a separate issue is how they sold the invasion to the public. that had a lot to do with WMD.

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I am just curious where your dislike for Christians came from? Just curious.. :cool:


I dislike all religion not just Christianity. Though my disdain for any religion has little to do with the comment I made. Its a sad state of truth but most politicians will put themselves into the christian category if asked about their religious beliefs, because it's the popular religion in this country which = more votes for them. What is ignored, is their actual actions in relation to their own supposed religious beliefs (or lack therof). I grew up in a protestant christian home, and 2 of my 6 siblings are pastors at their churches with one more in a christian college looking to go down the same road. So I do not "dislike christians", so much as dogmatic points of view. I have many loved ones immersed in Judeo-Christianity. I've read the bible completely through many, many times, several occasions as a believer, many more as not. Though that has nothing to do with this topic. If you are truly interested in a theological discussion, by all means shoot me a PM, or start a thread. Though it may be "Kitchen" material as a few religious folks out there can't stand having their views questioned and unfortunetly many a decent, conversation about basic theological perspectives have turned quite sour. Hows the saying go:


"Talk about anything but Politics or Religion."


Back on TOPIC ... I want to see a timely removal of U.S. troops from Iraq until there is significant evidence we will be able to further our common goal of preventing terrorism within our borders by staying. Keep in mind taking out an Al-Queda leader or two has little to no effect on stopping terrorism, as they prefer to work in cells seperated from centralized leadership to avoid any "remove head from body" trickle down.

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Veto = Good

Withdrawl Now = Bad

Expressed Time Table = Bad


end thread.


You cant just up and leave this war. I think we need to be over there fighting but I think atleast some type of plan or atleast evidence of soldiers coming home over the next 2-5 years would satisfy everyone.

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yeah, maybe it would be bad to leave, but it was bad to go in the first place.


and besides, we have to leave SOMETIME. i mean we cant stay there forever.



keep livin in the past bud. whats done is done.


tell all of us how/what you would have done mr democrat.


I know if I was the president and some terrorists flew god damn commerical planes into buildings in my country I would definitely send our huge military over and restore our well being.


guessing you would just sit back and take it in the ass... and say "ahh dont do it again or else!"

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keep livin in the past bud. whats done is done.


tell all of us how/what you would have done mr democrat.


i dont know where i ever said i was a democrat, but w/e...



I know if I was the president and some terrorists flew god damn commerical planes into buildings in my country I would definitely send our huge military over and restore our well being.


guessing you would just sit back and take it in the ass... and say "ahh dont do it again or else!"


perhaps you remember the invasion of afghanistan? that was our response for 9/11... however, we STILL dont have OBL...


as for iraq:


there was no collaboration b/w saddam and al-Qaeda.

there was no connection b/w saddam and 9/11.

there was no new WMD program.

saddam never gave aid to al-Qaeda. he tried to kill their #2 man when he was in iraq.

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keep livin in the past bud. whats done is done.


tell all of us how/what you would have done mr democrat.


I know if I was the president and some terrorists flew god damn commerical planes into buildings in my country I would definitely send our huge military over and restore our well being.


guessing you would just sit back and take it in the ass... and say "ahh dont do it again or else!"


Mr Democrat ? Get your head out of your ass Mr. Republican and try focusing on something other than political affiliation, something like ... um I don't know ... evidence to support your claim.


So you must have all that missing intel about WMD's everyone has been clamoring over.




Terrorism is prevelant in almost all middle eastern countries. As a matter of fact, there are more terrorist cells in Iraq now then there ever were before. Do some research and you'll find Suddam was hated by most extremist Muslim terrorists because he claimed to be a holy man of Islam. Which to anyone outside of Iraqi broders, he was not. Don't get me wrong he was a douche and he deserved what he got, but we've made things worse for now and that sucks. Hopefully the democracy we instill will take and work for us in the end. That is unlikely however.

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Hopefully the democracy we instill will take and work for us in the end. That is unlikely however.


i think its possible, but its not going to happen overnight. its not oing to happen in 5 years... id say give it 30, and it probably will have a good start...


but are we going to stay there for 30 years? CAN we stay there for 30 years? will we be able to afford it in both the monteary realm AND the political/social realm?

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Again keep believing what CNN tells you there buddy. I urge those opposed to the war to talk to someone that's been there. Thanks <3 2 time OIF Vetran

I agree. Although I do see a huge problem with the U.S. media; it's difficult sifting through what to believe.

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Exactly, so everyone in here, minus Lustalbert, kinda don't know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. All the shit everyone reads and physically looks at, is all SENSORED. Like I said before, ask, and "some" answers can't be answered. We started, we're going to end. Like it or not. Shit happens, and we've already gone this far. One way or another, the US was going to have to do something about Iraq. Thank God I did it so my kids ain't got to. Amen.
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i dont know where i ever said i was a democrat, but w/e...




perhaps you remember the invasion of afghanistan? that was our response for 9/11... however, we STILL dont have OBL...


as for iraq:


well you blantantly are one.... dont have to say it to be one.


again tell us what you would have done....

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