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Ebay....wtf is the point?


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so i've recently tried to bid on a few different items...all of which i fucking lost, by a few cents....so i get pissed and talk to my g/f....she says..oh yea, my brother has a prgram that bids for him so he wins........wtf is the point of Ebay...i'm so pissed right now.


anyone have a link for an Ebay cheat, obviously it's not illegal....gimme gimme gimme

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what you can do with a autobid is make it so if the other person has out bid you they think they have won and at the last minute you let it snipe for you.


I used to do it with multiple browsers open in the last 10 seconds if it was a itme i really wanted.

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Uhh.....why not wait until the last 45 seconds of the Auction, adn then Bid the Maximum you are willing to pay??? By waiting until then, if you are the high Bidder, others do not have the time to process a Bid.





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what you're talking about is called e-snipe or thereabouts...haven't dealt with it personally, but I've lost to it, and it is annoying. Basically it waits until the absolute last second and will put in the final bid to win the item.


Ebay used to make a big deal about trying to stop the use of it, but now I don't really think they care as the seller is happy to sell their item and they get their percentage as well.


What's entirely more annoying is when you lose the item and then I get about 15 fradulent emails from people offering "second chances" to buy the item, or say they have the item for sale, and try to take you to fake ebay sites to enter your info. That happened when I tried to buy my brother a gift recently on ebay....I'm still pissed about it.

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Also when it comes to high priced items, bidding off the wall dollar amounts like $100.62 can help you win. Basically once the bidding hits a certin amount, the minimum bid goes up anywhere from $0.50-$10. Basically if you say bid $100.62, the other guy will have to at least bid $101.62 to out bid you. If they only bid $101.00, they won't win the auction. I do that as well and it seems to work for me.
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Also when it comes to high priced items, bidding off the wall dollar amounts like $100.62 can help you win. Basically once the bidding hits a certin amount, the minimum bid goes up anywhere from $0.50-$10. Basically if you say bid $100.62, the other guy will have to at least bid $101.62 to out bid you. If they only bid $101.00, they won't win the auction. I do that as well and it seems to work for me.


:thumbup: to that as well.


I ALWAYS bid off the wall amounts. It RARELY fails.

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Also when it comes to high priced items, bidding off the wall dollar amounts like $100.62 can help you win. Basically once the bidding hits a certin amount, the minimum bid goes up anywhere from $0.50-$10. Basically if you say bid $100.62, the other guy will have to at least bid $101.62 to out bid you. If they only bid $101.00, they won't win the auction. I do that as well and it seems to work for me.

I agree because then when they try 101 and it says they are not high bidder they give up:)

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Sniping is the only way I do Ebay. Multiple browser windows, have a bid ready to go, and bid with 2 - 3 seconds left in the auction. The only way I ever lose is if someone else had already bid a higher amount... :nod:
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Sniping of the wall amounts FTW. That and sometimes I bid early and cheap on many items and i win cool and if dont no biggie, but sometimes you can catch shit real cheap. I bought a 99 taurus stock radio for 1 cent, and shipping was like 10 bucks, it worked perfect for more than year when the car was sold. Also, look for mispellings, they see less action.
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