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Anyone else do the distributed database/CPU donation thing?

I remember doing this back when I attended DeVry, when 200MHz was a ass haulin computer.

I just happened back across it these many years later, so I figured I would see if anyone has an intrest in doing it on thier comuter.


For shits, I made a team, if anyone wants to join just for the hell of it.


Columbus Racing Team

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I've been doing these things on all my computers for years. Mostly because I get download credit from one of my newsgroup companies for the hours I do.


I haven't used this one before. I do the SETI@home and the Fight for Aids & cancer @home

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Sweet 1%...


The progam maxes out at 4 cores that sucks. I tried to run 2 copys and it said blow me.



Guys list the stats on your boxes doing this. I'm curious which architect is more efficent not faster.


My machine [iD1] Running 4 Processes

Mac Pro

8x3.0Ghz Xeon

4Gig ram.


My Laptop [iD2] Running 1 Processes

Dell 6400

Cure 2 Duo T7200

1Gig ram


I'm adding my server and desktop at home when i get time.

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Be careful what you do with company computers, many people have been let go for using distributed computing apps like this without permission. If you work for a large company, I wouldn't even think about it until you see a company-wide memo saying 'please use folding@home coz its supr cooooollll!!!!'



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Be careful what you do with company computers, many people have been let go for using distributed computing apps like this without permission. If you work for a large company, I wouldn't even think about it until you see a company-wide memo saying 'please use folding@home coz its supr cooooollll!!!!'




I am a engineer I don't have a mis so since me and my boss are running it I'm not concerned. But that being said yes your 100% right I used to get on my users when i was a Sys admin for running that shit even banned it at the firewall.


They would say my pc is so slow and boom seti si running or some shit.

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4400 64 X2

2 GB Ram

(Just built, still working on drivers and installing shit)


2800 Mobile Sempron

512 Ram

(Wifes Laptop)


2500 AMD Mobile

512 Ram

(Laptop that survived Iraq, damn thing will never die)


2000 Sempron

1GB Ram

(Space heater)

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I've been doing these things on all my computers for years. Mostly because I get download credit from one of my newsgroup companies for the hours I do.


I haven't used this one before. I do the SETI@home and the Fight for Aids & cancer @home


I've done SETI for years too, what the sites for he Aids and Cancer programs?


I'll join in.

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