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I remember seeing this stuff on "futureweapons" episode. Baddass, Im not surprised the US military wont buy it, but I am surprised they wont let you wear it if you buy it yourself.



The military prolly doesn't want a lawsuit when someone wearing the dragon skin gets kia. The "interceptor" they are wearing now has gone through the mil's "testing" and has been "proven" to work. Where as the Dragon Skin has not. Why the military has not tested the Dragon Skin? That is anyones guess. I would say it comes down to money somewhere. Either right or wrong thats my guess anyway.

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The military prolly doesn't want a lawsuit when someone wearing the dragon skin gets kia. The "interceptor" they are wearing now has gone through the mil's "testing" and has been "proven" to work. Where as the Dragon Skin has not. Why the military has not tested the Dragon Skin? That is anyones guess. I would say it comes down to money somewhere. Either right or wrong thats my guess anyway.




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There isn't a single excuse to clear them. There is no reason why you shouldn't at least test the possibility of better armor for your troops. For fuck's sake, that's even a critical option on RTS's like C&C! So, money, etc., as far as I'm concerned, isn't an excuse as they flat out banned the damn armor before even testing it. But, I guess you don't have to worry about protecting your soldiers if all they are to you is cannon fodder. Is that how they feel about our troops?
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I wore plate carriers only from time to time, aka just a plate no actual KEVLAR padding inside of it. http://www.practicaltactical.net/stores/practicaltactical/catalog/PlateCarrier-2.jpg

Wasn't meant to take a whole lot, but I was 10X's more maneuverable in that to say the least. IBAS aka the point blank vest is STILL a great vest. Granted there is better like the Dragon skin. I knew very little about the dragon skin, until half way into my last deployment. I would've coughed up the dough for the vest considering it weighs less, stops more, and all around less cumbersom than the IBAS aka Interceptor. (IBAS = Individual Ballistic Armor System) Dragon skin actually took a frag grenade and it DID not penetrate the vest in any way shape or form. Now the IBAS again is only limited protection of most your vital organs and that's that. Plan on taking a lil shrapnel in exposed areas, or gettin poped round there. Everyone in country now is rocking the AP plates, which are designed to take a 7.62mm ARMOR PIERCING round, which from what I've seen, actually works. I do think Uncle Sugar can pony up the big bucks and get us some good ol' Dragon Skin, cause I'm buying it IF I go again.

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The armor I have to wear every day over there has four plates - front rear and love handles. I wear a large and it's big, heavy, and not very protective.. there are a lot of open areas.

We got the lil sappi plates towards the end. We were all madated to wear them by MNCI not to mention start wearing NOMEX all the time. :gay:

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9 times out of 10 the Government/Army will not go for something just because it's better. We contract to the "lowest" bidder, and that's no joke. Somethings are made like complete and total shit *cough M1114 Up armored humvee cough cough* With enough pressure they'll put on the Government they may RE-test the vest. But the contract is through Point Blank, and they've had the contract for quite some time now. And honestly again, the dragon skin is quite a bit more expensive than the Interceptor vest, so again, that means money is cut on other things. The armor I CAN live with, the lack of a 7.62mm rifle pisses me off. I carried a M249 and an M16A4 the first time in OIF 1, the past time I got blessed with the Holy Grail M14 DMR rifle. Stopping power is amazing not to mention accurate. It's time to change rifles, not body armor.
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Scott, have you gotten to fire the 6.8 SPC yet?

I am all around a fan of bringing back at least the .308.


Back on the armor, I saw the test on the dragon skin, and it looks like good shit. It seems to adress my 2 problems with the IBAS, side coverage sucks, and the plates are inflexible/PITA in any vehicle.


The round in question for the Dragon Skin not stopping is 7.62 x 63mm APM2 (30-06)

Sure would be nice to get those back in circulation.


One more powered by ADD part of this post:

Dragon skin is roughly 3k a peice. Roughly 42 million to replace an armor system that, although is not the greatest perhaps, it is still a good system and serves the purpose well. Thats money that could go to uparmoring a few more vehicles, better optics for rifles, any order of other things that are perhaps a little more urgent.

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We just got new vest a few months ago. They are way better than what I wore in Iraq. The weight problem will always be there. Stopping a high cal round is going to take something that is heavy. It sucks, but it's better than nothing. New stuff is always coming out. At least we are getting it sooner than we did years ago.
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