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I'm going through the exact same thing right now and worried one place will want an answer before the other gets back to me. I know I'm still in the running for both due to:


Call backs are good. I always call one week from the day I interviewed or if I went early in the week, I'll call them at the end of the week to check up on things. If you have their email, I always send a little thank you, etc to them the following day or later that evening. Usually, I try to remember to ask them about this once the interview is over, ie; when should I expect to hear back from them and if I can call back after an established period of time, etc. Some people just don't like call backs.

But if you don't know, just do it and remember, they have many other applicants and many companies will start the hiring process for a position that will be open in the future and not necessarily available right now.

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I worked as a recruiter for a friend's company, so I can tell you that callbacks are, in general, a very good thing. I had one job to select five people from a pool of about 500, and all of this was done on the phone/online. The job was in Tacoma/Seattle. So after doing a ton of interviews on the phone and getting REALLY sick of trying to do my work to account for the 3 hour time difference, getting a callback with all the info I needed (aka a detailed resume...) was extremely helpful. Also, when there's 400 people, it's easy for me to lose your file amongst the masses...if you call me back and keep sending me info, it helps keep your file on top of the pile, even if you're not the most absolutely qualified.


Another thing; don't bullshit on your resume. Recruiters are trained to see right through it, so when I see that between your stint in the Marines in 2005 and your job as an insurance underwriter in 2007 you were "Managing the family property in Pataskala", I know that you were sitting in the basement of your parent's farmhouse. Be honest, and BE DETAILED. The more detail we see on your resume, the better.

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Just curious, do you follow up with people/recruiter's? Im sure you do, but it you dont it might be a good idea to give them a call every few days just to keep yourself on their radar. Worked for me.


Same here, i was told by my boss that he only considers those who follow up on their applications.

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