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Win the lottery twice?

Kevin R.

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I gave out fake scratch off's for Christmas one year. I got my aunt and uncle on video thinking they won 25K. I thought it was funny, after they found out it was fake they were mad.
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I gave out fake scratch off's for Christmas one year. I got my aunt and uncle on video thinking they won 25K. I thought it was funny, after they found out it was fake they were mad.


where do you get those at? I would love to get my in-laws with those.

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I gave out fake scratch off's for Christmas one year. I got my aunt and uncle on video thinking they won 25K. I thought it was funny, after they found out it was fake they were mad.


WOW, way to be a dick.


Kevin's right, it's one thing if its like 500$, but 25k? That's just cruel.

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I will see if I have the video tonight. I am not sure if I recorded it with my newer camcorder or the old one. If it is the old one, I dont have an easy way to get it on the computer. Funny video though!!!
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There was a guy that lived in my neighborhood in Milford when i was growing up that won the lottery for like 18 million, then like 7 months later won it again for 51 million. The only reason i remember him is because after the first time he won, he bought a SWEET Ferrari 512B and used to cruise it around the neighboorhood real slow... beautiful car.
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Hahaha. I've done that to people its top notch . Its funny to see how peopel react. My one buddy said ohh i just won a free ticket and put it in his pocket. I was like really no shit I never win on those things. He shows me and Yeah make them read the back golden fun.
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