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Sick bastards


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no he hangs on fark and myspace and other shit but he dont show here. he asked me at what point what car he would need to buy to comeo n here and be cool. I told him 00 just bec ool cars come.


He started looking at evos and shit just for cr...... yeah i told him dont waste his time and be like martin.

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the dude in all black is the dude i banned. He hit on my wife once before i called him out on it and he said i was full of shit. he creeps out my female freinds. he hit on lani when she did not like it. and she made it clear to him she did not with the above video



my lilsister the one that a year ago got lured away by the dirty old man and who had been molested before is the one he was all on top of and shit. she felt intmeidated and had no clue what to deo. that enough to me is enough to ban him from my crib. I mean she been abused before so allot of women who have been all clam up when they feel inteimdated and shit. freaking her out.



You dont make a 16 year old feel inteimdated because u a dirty oild man

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