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VWGN 97 or 97 VWGN


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So this prick in a maroon GLI Wagon with a bike rack on top is driving in front of me on 270 south bound on the west side, and were both in the left lane behind one other car. The left lane has 1/4 mile to end and the car in front of him is clearly past the car in the next lane over and still puting distance on it. This fucker in the wagon turns his blinker on, and starts to get over, continuing to put ground on the car in the next lane, I intend to follow. For no reason at all, this douche bag hits his brakes and comes back into the lane that is about 500ft from ending, putting me right next to the car in the lane over with 3 more behind it. So how did I escape? I had to go around the outside through the 20ft wide emergancy lane over shredded tires, gravel, and god knows what else, and pass 2 cars just to keep from causing an accident.


Dude, if youre on here, heres some advice...




I garauntee anyone not willing to drive around like i did, would have ended up in the middle of a pile up. You sir, should never drive in the left lane ever again because you put innocent people in positions that noone should ever be in. Set your cruise on 65mph and stay in the right lane.

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So what are you saying? They all look alike? Look here Mister Volvo Man. You can't tell what kind of car it was. You went speeding up the emergency lane. You know THAT lane ends, because of the ample signs due to the area Soccer Moms, but yet you hurriedly push the car in front of you. This causing a near accident. BAN the elitest Volvo Man!
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