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ufc 91

kawi kid

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Brock is an absolute monster but Couture was doing well against this behemoth. The punch that put down Couture didn't even look like Brock put much behind it.

Check out the Florian vs. Stevenson fight. That's a good one.

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The punch that put down Couture didn't even look like Brock put much behind it.

It didnt look bad at first but when i watched the replay i realized that Brock caught him square in the temple, if you have ever been hit in the temple then you know that it doesnt take much to put you down. Plus your talking about a 285lb brick shit house throwin punches, so even if he didnt put much behind it its still gonna be a hard ass punch.

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Lesnar is no where near a good a fighter as Couture. His size/strength is winning him fights right now. I'm not saying he can't be a great fighter he definitely can, he's one hell of an athlete. He didn't win on skill though and that makes that fight one of the saddest days in the UFC's history. Even Frank Mir commented on what a struggle it was just having Lesnar on top of him.

Dustin's Uma-Plata was nuts especially watching him use his hands to push the arm cranking on the shoulder. He's a great guy, all of Jorge's guys are great really. Some of the nicest guys to you'll ever meet and bad ass on the ground. Jorge's own skill on the ground is just insane and it's been said a million times already but it is frustrating to watch him fight sometimes. If I see him this week there's no way I can't resist asking why, just why, he won't go to the ground more.

Stephens' and Gonzaga's knockouts were both fun to watch. A decent night overall and it was nice to see them fill space with more prelim fights than in the past.

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