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*At no time were any animals harmed in this outburst.(though I did push the cat off the couch) Now back to our regularly scheduled, playing of the fucking ever annoying GAME. It has not be mentioned this year, but some of you know what it is.



Back to it.

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For those of you who have never heard of the "game". It's when you are doing everything that is right to fix something on your car and either something else pops up or there is nothing you can find wrong to make it do what it's doing.


My case: I had a ticking sound coming from under the hood. Everything made since for it to be an exhaust leak. So I take everything from the exhaust manifold to the mid pipe off, and check everything. Gaskets are good, nothing is cracked, and no signs of fanning (carbon or soot, leaking out of an area). 4 times I took everything off. Needless to say, I was a little heated about not finding anything wrong. Ended up being a bolt on the turbos had come off under the heat shield.


Not a huge issue. but, very annoying.

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For those of you who have never heard of the "game". It's when you are doing everything that is right to fix something on your car and either something else pops up or there is nothing you can find wrong to make it do what it's doing.


My case: I had a ticking sound coming from under the hood. Everything made since for it to be an exhaust leak. So I take everything from the exhaust manifold to the mid pipe off, and check everything. Gaskets are good, nothing is cracked, and no signs of fanning (carbon or soot, leaking out of an area). 4 times I took everything off. Needless to say, I was a little heated about not finding anything wrong. Ended up being a bolt on the turbos had come off under the heat shield.


Not a huge issue. but, very annoying.



was that the noise you and Carl were trying to figure out at Hooters?

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