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OMG I ust finished the video and that has to be the wrongest crap I've ever watched ..



Use the resources gods coming back. WTF? Waste not I think was in the bible some where. HOW on gods green earth would anyone believe this crap.


This is so wrong. To do this to children.

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When are we going? I'm thinking maybe I can get us some kinda hookup there since my name is Christian and all. You know, first for lunch, better rooms, sit up front during the sermons...




That guy on the radio is a retard.

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The Kitchen has become some lame intraweb Christianity chat room.




Im christian and when i saw that this movie was coming out I cringed. It's not my job to defend a whole religion or even be its shining example. I will say that there are extreme's in all form's of religion and belief system's. Just like most muslim's dont believe in violence to spread their word, yet those few extremist's are the one's getting all the attention. Watch the movie but don't pass judgment on a belief just because of it.

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Im christian and when i saw that this movie was coming out I cringed. It's not my job to defend a whole religion or even be its shining example. I will say that there are extreme's in all form's of religion and belief system's. Just like most muslim's dont believe in violence to spread their word, yet those few extremist's are the one's getting all the attention. Watch the movie but don't pass judgment on a belief just because of it.



Ya exactly.... you don't see me going around saying all mustang owners are dicks.



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Has anyone herd of this? It scared me hearing poor kids brain washed into jibber words....




Speaking in tongues, if I'm correct, was a way of praying without anyone hearing your verbal words to God, I think more specifically so Satan would be unable to hear. What you don't know, you can't attempt to prevent or spoil. I don't do it, I pray within my head, but I also don't eat cheese after midnight.


OMG I ust finished the video and that has to be the wrongest crap I've ever watched ..



Use the resources gods coming back. WTF? Waste not I think was in the bible some where. HOW on gods green earth would anyone believe this crap.


This is so wrong. To do this to children.

Thorne, that video is an exploitation of children if anything. Maybe on the churches part for having those kids be waaaaaay to concerned at their age with Biblical things, but, more importantly the way those interviews were performed and edited.



Let me break it down:


Thorne is the best baby sitter in town, and the kids absolutely love him to death (:lol: ). Here comes a curious journalist with a camera and a smile, his intentions are unbeknownst.


Thorne: "I love these kids, they are my life, and, they make me very happy."


Kids: "Thorne is sooooooo nice! He reads us bed time stories and makes us feeeeeeel soooooo goood everyday!"

Video Edit: "Thorne is sooooooo nice! He reads us bed time stories and makes us feeeeeeel soooooo goood everyday!" repeat* "Thorne is sooooooo nice! He reads us bed time stories and makes us feeeeeeel soooooo goood everyday!" Repeat in slowed down deep voice for good measure " Bed time stories, bed time stories, bed time stories!"


*Fade in on Thorne smiling and an echoing "I love kids"*



Ruh Roh, it looks like Thorney might be perverted!

Are you a rapist Thorne?






Lets just quit with these threads, it will be ninenty tomorrow, go for a swim.

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Speaking in tongues, if I'm correct, was a way of praying without anyone hearing your verbal words to God, I think more specifically so Satan would be unable to hear. What you don't know, you can't attempt to prevent or spoil. I don't do it, I pray within my head, but I also don't eat cheese after midnight.



Thorne, that video is an exploitation of children if anything. Maybe on the churches part for having those kids be waaaaaay to concerned at their age with Biblical things, but, more importantly the way those interviews were performed and edited.



Let me break it down:


Thorne is the best baby sitter in town, and the kids absolutely love him to death (:lol: ). Here comes a curious journalist with a camera and a smile, his intentions are unbeknownst.


Thorne: "I love these kids, they are my life, and, they make me very happy."


Kids: "Thorne is sooooooo nice! He reads us bed time stories and makes us feeeeeeel soooooo goood everyday!"

Video Edit: "Thorne is sooooooo nice! He reads us bed time stories and makes us feeeeeeel soooooo goood everyday!" repeat* "Thorne is sooooooo nice! He reads us bed time stories and makes us feeeeeeel soooooo goood everyday!" Repeat in slowed down deep voice for good measure " Bed time stories, bed time stories, bed time stories!"


*Fade in on Thorne smiling and an echoing "I love kids"*



Ruh Roh, it looks like Thorney might be perverted!

Are you a rapist Thorne?






Lets just quit with these threads, it will be ninenty tomorrow, go for a swim.



Actually I started watching the real movie today and the edits are funny but the thing is really that god damn twisted. NO JOKE its a shame that people would have think that way.


the edit was nothing huge BUT if you go look at the other trailers on youtube god damn it is wrong.

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I watched until the lady was speaking in tongues. That was enough for me....


Speaking in tongues now, is not biblical at all. It was used after the founding of Christ church because we were split into different languages due to sin. This was a way to communicate with large numbers of people effectively. Also when people in the bible spoke in tongues it was one person speaking in tongues and the people heard him in his/her own language.


Speaking in tongues today derived from the pentecostal movement early last century. If this act of speaking in tongues is correct why don't people in the grocery store do it. I my opinion it is used today as a "show off" and come from peer pressure. In those churches that teach that there is a heavy pressure to speak in tongues. If you are not speaking in tongues.. "you must not be right with God.

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I watched until the lady was speaking in tongues. That was enough for me....


Speaking in tongues now, is not biblical at all. It was used after the founding of Christ church because we were split into different languages due to sin. This was a way to communicate with large numbers of people effectively. Also when people in the bible spoke in tongues it was one person speaking in tongues and the people heard him in his/her own language.


Speaking in tongues today derived from the pentecostal movement early last century. If this act of speaking in tongues is correct why don't people in the grocery store do it. I my opinion it is used today as a "show off" and come from peer pressure. In those churches that teach that there is a heavy pressure to speak in tongues. If you are not speaking in tongues.. "you must not be right with God.


I have experienced this in a small pentocostal church in Texas years ago when religion had sparked my curiousity.

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I watched until the lady was speaking in tongues. That was enough for me....


Speaking in tongues now, is not biblical at all. It was used after the founding of Christ church because we were split into different languages due to sin. This was a way to communicate with large numbers of people effectively. Also when people in the bible spoke in tongues it was one person speaking in tongues and the people heard him in his/her own language.


Speaking in tongues today derived from the pentecostal movement early last century. If this act of speaking in tongues is correct why don't people in the grocery store do it. I my opinion it is used today as a "show off" and come from peer pressure. In those churches that teach that there is a heavy pressure to speak in tongues. If you are not speaking in tongues.. "you must not be right with God.



Even Dr rick thinks this is a bit much proof! I went to a pentacstal for a while. They put large pressure on me to speak in tounges. I was prayed for about 5 times and no. I was told that god must have a issue with me and i was still in sin.



Yet the 1 guy who was the head person always saying speak tounges got caught touching children yup he was doing gods work.. the lost 28th commandsmnet touch thy little boys. (11th in the catholic version0

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