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Jackass family is stealig my pop cans from recycling bin.


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So yeah, there's been this jackass who's going through our recycle bins taking the pop cans out to recycle them. My wife got smart and started taking the bins out the day of trash day (normally she'd do the day before). Well, I was home yesterday and noticed that he's STILL THERE picking the cans out. AND, he has his whole family there too. I saw his wife, and his youg 3-4 year old daughter there took picking through our bins.


The dude looks like a real winner too. I don't have the heart to say "quit going through our shit to feed your trailerpark family" either. Should I call the city of Gahanna? Should I even worry about it.


I could give two shits about recycling. My wife is the one who does it. We/she spends the time to take out the bins and such to the curb to recycle the cans properly, but this jackass is making money off of us.


He doesn't just do our house either. He's going house to house on our street picking through EVERY bin with his radio flyer wagon.


There's probably not much I can do other than just deal with it, but I just wanted to ask :).

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No, not at all. Why waste your time.


You're right. I shoudn't waste my time. When I was home and saw him last time he was taking out the cans and crushing them with his feet. I ALMOST thought about taking some nails and putting them in the bottom of the cans :). That would suck for him :). But then again, he'd probably turn around and sue me or some retarded shit.

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Maybe he is down on his luck and needs the extra cash for food. Or maybe not.

There was this guy in my parents neighborhood that would go thru the trash for any metal , washer dryers or any broken appliances. He had a beat down truck that was not safe for any roads , he even had the junk stacked on his truck higher than the top of the cab. It has been a few years since last time I saw him. Last month he was at it again, going thru peoples trash. This time he had a NEW Dodge Ram truck! I guess junk does pay.

Back to your problem , if you feel your family could be in danger in any way notify the police. I have also heard that once you place trash on the curb { do not know if this also applies to recycle } it is public property.

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They guy is just trying to make some extra cash for his family, I'm sure he is not proud to do what he is doing. If you hurt him you may make it so the kids go hungry. If it was me I would just seperate all the cans for him so he could do it quicker and spend more time with his family instead of picking through trash. I mean all you would have to do is put all cans in one bin, no biggie. I give him props, he could be pan handeling on a freeway, but he has chosen to actually do some work for the money. Not slamming you in any way, but have a heart, times are tough, gas is expensive, maybe go talk to the guy, you may feel different after you do so. Offer his children some cheap candy. That may make their day, karma works in strange ways man.
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I got a funny story about a dude picking the pop cans out of our recycling bins too.


He takes them out and lines them up, crushes them on the street and takes them.


I ALMOSt thought about punching a nail through the bottom of the can so when he goes to crush it the nail will go through his foot. That would be funny as hell, but I know somewhere he'll turn around and sue me.



I thought you posted this before. Post #7


Repost! :D

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i would honestly walk up and ask him how he's doing and if you put them aside in a seperate bag if it would help. Who know you might find someone down and out who could say mow your line for 20$ or something.
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As long as he's not causing trouble or doing anyone/thing harm I'd let him be. He could use the money more than Gahanna, which just charges you for taking them anyway.


Plus, I unless it's changed DRASTICALLY, it takes a LOT of cans to equate to any real amount of money.

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Some people pay to have recyclables taken away? Kudos to your environmental consciousness, thats more than I can bring myself to do. On that note, if people are willing to pay for it there's got to be a business model ripe for hobo-sploitation. Why not offer the guy half of the fee, in exchange for taking it all away and doing whatever he wants with it. The problem with people lifting cans from bins in areas that provide it for free is that the 'easy money' that aluminum brings in keeps their service going. When all they collect is just newspaper and milk jugs, they will have to start charging too.
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Where I used to live in NY there was a recylcling 'center' in every grocery store. Bascially it was a room with several machines that compacted everything from can's to 2 liter bottle's and milk carton's and either printed you a receipt that you could redeem at the register or gave you change in exchange for what you recycled. These places were EVERYWHERE. Im surprised there's not more of them in Columbus.


We did it b/c it helped with grocery bills (family of 5 kids), but there was always some kinda bumms hanging around there trying to get some money. At least their not breakin' into cars right?


EDIT: I agree with everyone else. Why give the guy a hard time about taking your trash that you obviously dont need anyway. Talk to him, maybe instead of paying 40$ a month you could just give all your recycled good's to him for free. He gets what he wants and you save 40$/month.

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Yeah, I agree with Thorne. I mean, what matters if you're not getting the money to recycle anyway? It's either you, that guy, or the city/recycling service who makes the money. It's not the can guy screwing you, it's the city and/or recycling service drilling everyone in the ass. Think about it; you seperate all this recycling shit to make it easier for someone else to make money of your work and trash AND many of you PAY for this service! Let the guy be, make sure that's all he's sifting through and that he poses no threat. You just gotta get over the uneasiness of seeing someone go through what you feel is private or like was mentioned above, just set something out there ready to go for him. I mean, you guys are spending time seperating it anyway.
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I wouldn't worry about it if you don't pay the city to collect. The cans are going to go to the same place if this guy takes them anyway. He is probably really hard up on money if his family is helping him.


If it was me I would offer him a job cutting my grass like Thorne said. Or at least give him some food. Maybe that is why he is picking up cans, maybe his family is hungry. Or maybe he has some really expensive medical bills. If I had a family and was hard up on money I would do whatever it takes.

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Maybe you guys don't understand.. HE LIVES IN THIS NEIGHBORHOOD. It's not like he's driving from his cardboard box in his radio flyer taking the cans. If he can live here, pay rent/own a mortgage, then I personally don't think he should be sifting through collecting cans.
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EDIT: I agree with everyone else. Why give the guy a hard time about taking your trash that you obviously dont need anyway. Talk to him, maybe instead of paying 40$ a month you could just give all your recycled good's to him for free. He gets what he wants and you save 40$/month.


I don't think the guy wants ALL the recylclables. Not like he gets money for used napkins.


I say just let him be and not to worry about it.

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EDIT: I agree with everyone else. Why give the guy a hard time about taking your trash that you obviously dont need anyway. Talk to him, maybe instead of paying 40$ a month you could just give all your recycled good's to him for free. He gets what he wants and you save 40$/month.



I'm not going to give him extra money to take the cans from the trash bins. I already pay for that, why would I want to pay someone else more to take cans?


I got a better idea. It's called a job :). I'm sure he's heard of it.


Maybe I'm just an ass about this. I really don't care. It doesn't bother me that much that he's taking the cans, I just brought up a topic to discuss.. as I was bored last night.

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Maybe you guys don't understand.. HE LIVES IN THIS NEIGHBORHOOD. It's not like he's driving from his cardboard box in his radio flyer taking the cans. If he can live here, pay rent/own a mortgage, then I personally don't think he should be sifting through collecting cans.


Dude you are not thinking of other things that could happen. Example His little girl had massive surgery and his health insurance sucks ass (probably true). He may have a large thousand dollar medical bill to pay. This could be impossible to pay if he happens to live paycheck to paycheck.

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Dude you are not thinking of other things that could happen. Example His little girl had massive surgery and his health insurance sucks ass (probably true). He may have a large thousand dollar medical bill to pay. This could be impossible to pay if he happens to live paycheck to paycheck.



true. I bet he'd make more money at the McDonalds at the corner than he would picking up cans. just my point of view.

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