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Jackass family is stealig my pop cans from recycling bin.


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Just make your wife take all the recyclables to the center herself if shes worried about making a difference on the environment. That will help to offset the difference for having to prepay it in the sanitation bills.


As for the guy taking your cans, who cares? You don't want them, he does. Would it matter if he lived in a $1.5m dollar home? I don't think so. If the dude wants to stick his hands in others trash and get God knows what on them for a few bucks of aluminum, so be it. You said it yourself, you don't care about recycling. :)

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Quite possibly. Pretty thin. he does have some tatoos on him. Looks like a typical dirty white boy trailer trash.


Where do you work?


Clintonville, which would make it weird for him to be all the way over here. He did look trashy though and was a shifty character on the video cams. Didn't notice any tatoos. The dude scampered pretty quick tho.

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Look, here's a brilliant damn idea to end this all. If you're so concerned about the "aluminum terrorist", why don't you quit peeking at him from inside the house and just get your ass out there and talk to him yourself. :nono:
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It is CR. I could say the sky is blue and someone would prove me wrong in their eyes.



haha...the sky isn't blue. The blue is a reflection of the sun through our atmosphere....you asked for it Ben

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haha...the sky isn't blue. The blue is a reflection of the sun through our atmosphere....you asked for it Ben


Wait I thought it was the reflection of the WATER through the Atmosphere.....

Never the less you stated it is Blue. :lol:


Here we go.....

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There is a physical phenomenon called Rayleigh scattering that causes light to scatter when it passes through particles that have a diameter one-tenth that of the wavelength (color) of the light. Sunlight is made up of all different colors of light, but because of the elements in the atmosphere the color blue is scattered much more efficiently than the other colors.


So when you look at the sky on a clear day, you can see the sun as a bright disk. The blueness you see everywhere else is all of the atoms in the atmosphere scattering blue light toward you. (Because red light, yellow light, green light and the other colors aren't scattered nearly as well, you see the sky as blue.)


--cribbed from howstuffworks, I'm not that smart


so you see, the sky itself is not actually blue, you are merely seeing blue light reflected through it. Now we can get back to arguing about the can man

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I see this shit 5 times a day on campus.


I will throw beer cans from my 2nd floor porch and watch them scavenge like ants for food.


Its always some family in a POS minivan or some beat up truck. If I saw someone in a Land Rover doing it, I might consider doing it myself

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If you're paying for recycling, then he's stealing. I probably wouldn't care if he was taking them, unless I was paying for it.


I do believe I've heard (not necessarily in this state) that it may be illegal to remove recycled items from a designated recycling bin/receptacle.

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