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broke my hand?


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So, lets just go with the story that i punched a wall last night in a drunken fit. sounds like a good excuse. wore up today and the pinky side of my right hand is all swollen. hurts to clench a fist but its still possible. Anyone ever broken their hand/wrist/bones in their hand before? Ive never broken a bone before so not exactly sure what it should 'feel' like.


Im going to Florida on vacation this week so it would be horrible timing.

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So, lets just go with the story that i punched a wall last night in a drunken fit. sounds like a good excuse. wore up today and the pinky side of my right hand is all swollen. hurts to clench a fist but its still possible. Anyone ever broken their hand/wrist/bones in their hand before? Ive never broken a bone before so not exactly sure what it should 'feel' like.


Im going to Florida on vacation this week so it would be horrible timing.


I broke mine 6 months ago. It still hurts to shake someone's hand . I still cannot make a tight fist. Go to the hospital and get a x-ray.

On a side note I did not get drunk and hit a wall with my fist , I was kicked. :D

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I have broke both wrists and the left one I broke twice and its still broke after almost 3years. I have 3 screws 2 pins and a massive wire in my right leg/ankle. I broke both legs bones and the ankle on my right leg. This all happened racing quads except my right wrist, roller blading while I was a little kid.
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x-rays are your friends. as long as you can fully extend (straighten) your small finger, you're probably o.k.---i.e.--fracture is not angulated too much, if it is broken. also, when you make a fist, your small finger should NOT rotate underneath your ring finger--if it does, then there is a rotational deformity at the fracture. you're probably o.k., but won't know for sure unless you get an x-ray
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Never lead with the pinky side of your hand, ever, you will brake it. Never punch drunk, or in any other condition in wich you can't do it right. Everybody pay attention to this thread. :)


Oh trust me I didnt, but there was a guy pushing me back and my first punch barly clipped the top of the "wall" with my pinky/ring finger knuckles, the second was dead on though.

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It's probably a boxers fracture. I pushed a brick pillar at the Bowling Palace 10+ years ago for missing a strike. Hand puffed up big time. Had to wear a partial cast for about 4 weeks.


exactly what i was thnking. i do alot of casting and splinting at my job. most guys who hit walls end up with a boxer FX. if you can a hold of some 4" fibrgalass splint material and a few ace wraps i can tell you how to splint it into an "ulna gutter" or you can slide to an ortho guy and hell hook you up.


ps pull off any rings if you havent already

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its been a week, i went on vacation and iced it in the meantime. Im not one for going to the doc everytime something doesnt feel right so i gave it some time, though it still feel's a bit "off".


I'll probably go to urgent care monday to get xray's and see what they say. If i go to the ER I'll just sit there for hours while they take more important patients like heart attacks and shit.... fuck fat people, always ruining my life.

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its been a week, i went on vacation and iced it in the meantime. Im not one for going to the doc everytime something doesnt feel right so i gave it some time, though it still feel's a bit "off".


I'll probably go to urgent care monday to get xray's and see what they say. If i go to the ER I'll just sit there for hours while they take more important patients like heart attacks and shit.... fuck fat people, always ruining my life.



and if you go to an urgent care, they can't really do shit. if you go to a real hospital, and something needs to be set, it will be set right then and there. if it needs set at the urgent care, you will be sent to the e.r. at a real hospital and be waiting even longer. your best bet, is to go early in the morning. i just got to our hospital and saw NOT ONE SOUL in the er waiting room.

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and if you go to an urgent care, they can't really do shit. if you go to a real hospital, and something needs to be set, it will be set right then and there. if it needs set at the urgent care, you will be sent to the e.r. at a real hospital and be waiting even longer. your best bet, is to go early in the morning. i just got to our hospital and saw NOT ONE SOUL in the er waiting room.


I called and they said they could xray it but if it was broken I would have to go to the hospital to have them set it/cast it etc... at least I would know if it were broken, if it wasn't then I obviously wouldnt go to the er.

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