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Street Racing Dayton h4cked........ again.


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So i got this email.

This place is the Dayton Equiv to CR, but more juvenile.

It has been hacked at least three times since i joined last year.




Fuck off and die. I hate dayton and I hate you all.

I hate white people. I hate all of your white hoes. I'm nothing more than a bitch in ATL.

I can't 'pay' for 'law' school. In reality, I go to a CC. The only car I drive is my mothers black jetta... well it's not really around anymore.. I ride the bus. I'm scared of the black people in the back of the bus, so I ride by the driver. For all of the hates, fuck off. I'm real and i'm black.

The only reason I don't go to dayton to race is because the rta doesn't go that way.

If you want to race me.


WERD son


-the administrator/louis/that guy/black car/don king/'L'/fatass/fat albert/cock sucker



Isnt that swell.

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