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In true matt style I got 2k on it.


;) I would have to sell the katana, I'm not sure if i want to part with her yet. If I could do 2up with it I would be interested. I'm discussing bringing out the bike and the car tonight

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i sold it to him for $3200

the bike is probably worth more, but the paint job is holding it back.


This is true, and on top on this I spent an EASY $750 in maintence and necessary service on the bike in the past month. I have all receipts.


Bill, what's a 2up?


And Spaceghost/ben, get the fuck off my nuts, you seem to be swarming them lately, you gay?

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And Spaceghost/ben, get the fuck off my nuts, you seem to be swarming them lately, you gay?


Um, that was my 7th post in your last 200 threads since 2005. You need a brush to get the sand out of your vagina? I'm sure I'll get a pm soon.

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we are locked in as i stated in the other thread im bringing the car and jenn is beingign the bike ill run you on the bike and yes this is a friendly race not even tacos i just want to race

Well tonight was bad i called superhawk and he said he was at laugh factory or something. What ever it was I was out to close till midnight had a few beers and he never showed. I was not going to race after the beers but. The point is i was out .



We can get it another time. I'm in this for fun honestly I just razzin matt.

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i just really want to know how Matt (superhawk) talks all this shit about racing bikes blah blah, whatever, when he has been a rider for what maybe 2 months now.


get a few years of experience under your belt, stop being a tool, and slow down a bit man.

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Yeah man if your that noob then maybe we should not race. I honestly no joke no insult would hate to be the person you happen to have a accident with. I would feel pretty shitty, I've watched 1 friend go down it's not cool. How many miles have you ridden so far?
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ok first off, I have nowhere talked shit about racing bikes. I've clearly stated multiple times, and friends have reiterated for me on this site and elsewhere that I AM NOT COMFORTABLE going WOT at very low speeds, simple because I'm afraid of the bike wheelieing (sp?) It's popped up a few times on me already and I'm not ready for that yet. But simply running through the gears for 10seconds or less is fun, and I'm definitely comfortable doing that as well as street riding/hwy riding, etc. I've come a LONG WAY from before I'd ever rode a few months ago, and have logged about 1500miles myself. Granted not much, but enough to where I feel comfortable doing most things.


Oh and Bill, fyi we spoke on the phone earlier this week and I told you then as I did earlier tonight that I was busy friday night and wouldn't be out, sorry bro.


Secondly, we need to get this game done quick, I've got a potential buyer coming sunday with cash in hand for the hawk, so if you want a piece of it before its sold lmk. :D

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doing maintanence is part of owning anything...u dont up the price of something cus it was maintained.


I'll up the price of whatever I'd like for whatever reasons I'd like, I own it and I'll sell it for what someone is willing to pay.

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im just telling you from someone who has sold over 10 bikes...just trying to help you out Rossi


I've sold over 30 cars, but thanks for the tip anyways. Besides, its all relative, cars, bikes, houses etc, its only worth what someone will pay, I just usually luck out and find a generous person. :D

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I've sold over 30 cars, but thanks for the tip anyways. Besides, its all relative, cars, bikes, houses etc, its only worth what someone will pay, I just usually luck out and find a generous person. :D





Talk about totally diffrent mentalities



I try to sell shit to people for a deal so they can know they got something cool at a cool price. Thats just me man. But I'm not trying to get rich off shit. I sold a laptop I had for 1200$ that was worht more on ebay (1400-1600$). why did i do this. Because I made a little money off it. I could afford what i really wanted and some college kid got a nice ass laptop.


This same things shows in buying stuff on cr. I've always taken care of anyone and never try and low ball. I'm just saying man. If you look in some of my threads or ask some of the poeple I've paid more then asking price on numerous occasions. Shit I've even given away itemms because I could not use them.



The worlds not about money its about happiness. Think about if you where on the other side of a nice deal. It makes you feel good. Especially if it was something you could not really have gotten otherwise.I'm broke by no means but I had a couch and a crappy surround sound so its hard to jsutify it but when its a helluva a deal shit. (My Couch I got my living room for 100$/My surrond sound(150+onamazon) ) All those thinsg i bought from CR members at killer deals. Thats the reason I buy so much shit from CR and always pay well. Good deals.

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