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Starting college in a month, need help picking out Notebook

Rally Pat

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I am going to Devry for Network and Communication Management, and I need to find a sweet laptop to last me the 2 and a half years I will be there. I am looking at trying to find a light weight to medium weight gaming laptop with halfway decent battery life. I would also like something I can make payments, as I don't have enough to buy one whole right now.
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i would DEFINITELY not get a HP/compaq... ive gone through 3 of them. all of my friends who have had HPs had the same problems too (with where the power cord attaches, among many other problems)

personally, i dont like dells, but for the most part you dont hear about problems with them.

after HPs, i got a sony vaio. theyre great computers with AMAZING screen quality. my battery life sucked, but the new ones are better. the fans are fairly loud though. they are also really expensive.


so i just went out and bought a new macbook (the black one). the one i got was 1500, but there is one that is a tad over a grand, another thats like 1300, mine, and then the macbook pros which are more expensive. i hated macs before, but i have gotten used to this.

built-in camera.

apple store (im pretty sure theres one in columbus) where they have a store full of "geniuses" who run workshops, and fix all of your computer woes right there in front of you.

very lightweight and thin

battery life of more than 4 hours.

i can go on and on about how much i love this computer, and everything it has that makes it great. and this means something, seeing as i have despised macs ever since i started using computers back in elementary school, and swore i would never buy one.

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I LOVE my I6400 Dell (E1505 home class) If you watch the deals and coupon codes or use a employee discounts you can get a helluva a deal on dell gear. I got my T7200/X1400/1gig/120gig last year for 1079 after discounts.



BUT you sure you still don't wanna go to cscc?

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I am going to Devry for Network and Communication Management, and I need to find a sweet laptop to last me the 2 and a half years I will be there. I am looking at trying to find a light weight to medium weight gaming laptop with halfway decent battery life. I would also like something I can make payments, as I don't have enough to buy one whole right now.


Let me know when you get a model...I may be able to get you a discount :)

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I Loooove my HP lappy. It's ~1.5 years old, but still doin great. Still holds a nearly full charge. This laptop is (probably) the cheapest lappy HP has ever built, and it has served me great. Anyone had issues with their 2308WM?


I can whole heartedly recommend a HP notebook.


Being a Gamer yourself I shouldn't have to tell you this, but I will. Get something dual core with discrete graphics. XPS sounds like a good option, i would imagine you could possibly upgrade the graphics down the road. Don't quote me on that.


Edit: The XPSs are fuggin EXPENSIVE!

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Yeah make sure you don't skimp on the video. The very least you should settle for is a X1400 but I would try to go into the 7600 series cards. Also for class rember keep it a usable size. My biggest reason for the 6400 was 15.4 VS 17. I had a nice ass 17 inch powerbook it just was too big.



If you have the money the MACBOOK pro is damn nice. VMWARE fusion does Direct X 8.1 and boot camp does really wel..


I can get discounts on apple/dell/hp I'm not sure who else let me know if nate can't get you a discount I might be able to .

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Also devry gives you a laptop my buddy has one and its not half bad



No not for all programs they don't, the degree he is taking they don't get a laptop.


I'd recommend a Dell latitude D series we have the D620 and have had good luck with them.


I have a precision M65 as well and I love it.

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No not for all programs they don't, the degree he is taking they don't get a laptop.


I'd recommend a Dell latitude D series we have the D620 and have had good luck with them.


I have a precision M65 as well and I love it.

+1 on the D620. I have a D620 for my work laptop. I had it at the last lan playing cs on it. It's also a nice size. If you want to check them out I got my D620 and my I6400 at home.


Also for laptops right now dell is prolly 1 of the best. Make sure you get the ooooops warrnty. PM smurf about it. Its good sutff.

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HP's are out of the question. I had the mentioned power jack problem on my ZD7005QV a few years back, will never do that again. I have been sieriously considering an XPS or a Macbook Pro. Whatever I get, it will be a Core 2 Duo of some kind. I am still shopping around, but for the guys who offered discounts, thank you and I will let you know. Keep posting ideas if you have em.
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+1 on the D620. I have a D620 for my work laptop. I had it at the last lan playing cs on it. It's also a nice size. If you want to check them out I got my D620 and my I6400 at home.


Is the D620 what I played Source on at Whempys that one time you brought a laptop?

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Heres a good one for you. Doesnt have the best memory but you can always upgrade.




Make sure you get a case too.




J/k Check out the garage sale there is one hell of a laptop in there for the cheap man. I would buy it but I have 3 already.

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