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Fuck Insurance - All of them


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so for the last 2-3 weeks, ive been planning on switching back to progressive from allstate. did the online quote, came out to me going from 215ish/mo w/ allstate, to about 163/mo w/ progressive. sweet. so i call allstate about noon today to have the policy cancelled as of midnight tonight (night of 21, morn of 22))


so i go to purchase the progressive, and when i go to check out, they say that a wreck i had in dec 05 (during the ice storm, no ticket, no insurance claim...i paid for repairs out of pocket...just filed an accident report incase i wanted to file a claim if the repairs cost too much) is being counted as an accident against me...funny since they didnt count it as an accident against me when i started with them in october. so they jack my rate up to 210/mo. call in to find out WTF is going on, basically get no where. i tell them im not going to switch for a 5$/month savings


call up allstate about 1130, see if i can cancel the cancellation and just continue my coverage. no go. theyre telling me its already processed and cant be stopped. so i tell them i need to speak to someone to see about starting a new policy. im a little mad because im gonna lose the 3 months into the policy i have, that after 6 months will drop my premium 5%, but its my fault, nothing i can do


so i talk to the sales rep, she goes thru the whole application thing again, finally gets done around midnight. she then tells me the 6 month premium is just a few bucks cheaper than before (good), but a couple things are going on. #1, shes saying i owe them 45$ for the days i used...my policy runs from the 21st to the 20th. being that its cancelled as of the 22nd, i can see owing 1 day, maybe 2. at 215/mo, 30 days/mo, thats about 7$/day. how they came up with 45$, i dont know. so past that, she tells me my down payment would be 405$, and that the monthly would be like 170.


this would be fine if i could do a 405$ payment, plus my 25$ renters insurance. but shes saying that something at the company changed for ohio and something about only being able to have 1 incident per car to get into the line of insurance where i can have the good drivers discount, lower down payment, etc etc. so i tell her theres no way i can do 430$ right now, and ask her if she can talk to a supervisor and see if we can work something out, because i'd like to stick with allstate. she comes back a minute later - no.


so now, i have to go BACK to progressive, and sign up with these assholes.



insurance can suck my balls. ive been doing as much as i can to keep my driving record clean, in the last 3 years, all ive had is the 1 accident i paid for repairs myself, and i still have to pay over 200$/mo for insurance

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Guest Lewie06A3
I have state farm, clean record, brand new car, discout cuz of renters insurance, 87 a mo. You should check them out too. Also if you have multiple cars you get a pretty big discount.
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that sounds almost too good to be true. i think when i called them a few months ago, they went back 5 years as well, and wanted like 1600$/6 months.


my record isnt exactly great, but in the last 3 years, its been spotless, minus a couple tint tickets (not counted), and the accident, which i dont htink should be included since no insurance claim was made


since quite a few of the major companies go back 5 years, it hurts me a little more. my driving record when i was a kid sucks. since i turned 19, its been good

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Guest Lewie06A3
i'll be 22 in a couple mo, but that's how much i pay. it's sounds too good, but it's the truth. also, i've only had 1 ticket, speeding, only 20 days after i got my license, but now it's perfectly clean since then, almost 6 years later. plus, my family has been going to state farm for many years, so we have a little loyalty to them
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state auto 155$ a month (this includes 4$ fee every month since i am on monthly pay plan). I have full coverage and towing/labor on both of my cars, discount because of fire policy. I have had in the past 3 years 1 not at fault accident, 1 at fault accident, 1 glass comp claim. $250 deducible.
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Oops. Shoulda started coverage with Progressive FIRST, then cancelled Allstate. I didn't have to pay anything when I switched to all state. $0 down payment. Did you go through an agent or just over the phone? You'll be MUCH better off contacting an agent.
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Wow, my new truck, full coverage, low deductibles only cost me $117 a month through State Farm. I've been with them since I was 16 so I get a discount for loyalty and a few other things, but I've also never had a problem getting damage fixed.


Both times I hit a deer they told me to take it anywhere I pleased to have fixed and to have the bill sent to them no questions asked. The first deer did $2800 in damage to a $3500 truck (at the time).


When I was side swiped all they asked was if I was cited or not, I told them the popo wrote the report as a no fault collision on both sides. They said OK and told me to go get it repaired by whom I wanted as well. No problems at all.


My Fiance on the other hand pays $170 a month, but that drops down to $68 a month when we get married :)

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I have been with state farm forever, Jason Hoy in New albany, he and his wife run the office and they have been great to me and my parents. My car a 83 olds was stolen and the system worth way more than the car was taken, full replacement; then car was stolen again, and again full replacement. That was 12,000 grand in comp coverage alone; i only paid 102 a month then. My parents house was burnt due to a second floor fire, they rented them a house for 3 months while it was fixed. House is pratically brand new now. They wrote my dad a check for 2000 at 8pm on a monday(night of the fire) so they could buy shit for the hotel they stayed in at first. I now pay 157 month full coverage, like 250 dectucables, all extras. 23 clean record, minus a 92/65 5 years ago. they also have a safe drivers program, which i have yet to fill out> You just need a 3 year clean record and fill out some paper work.
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That's because Progressive and Allstate both SUCK BALLS....


I would try State Farm if you can't get anything else. I LOVE USAA but unless you have a hook up, you can't get it.



P.S....your driving record isn't the only thing that gives you high rates. A lot of places use your CREDIT SCORE and a few other things as a factor now.

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P.S....your driving record isn't the only thing that gives you high rates. A lot of places use your CREDIT SCORE and a few other things as a factor now.


I could never understand what the fuck my credit has to do with someone giving me an insurance rate. I don't believe a high or low credit score would mean I drive safely or not. Unless they make the obscure correlation that better people tend to have better credit scores and tend to drive safer?

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How the fuck are you guys paying such high premiums? I pay $76/month for full coverage through State Farm. 500 Coll 250 Comp and pretty good liability coverage...
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That's because Progressive and Allstate both SUCK BALLS....


I would try State Farm if you can't get anything else. I LOVE USAA but unless you have a hook up, you can't get it.



P.S....your driving record isn't the only thing that gives you high rates. A lot of places use your CREDIT SCORE and a few other things as a factor now.


Exactly Crdeit is now a determining factor for rates and depending on the company to look at it will determine if its perfered, standard, or nonstandard.


thats the one down side to a web based quote it will only give you a ball park price and assumes you have a goo credit score. (not saying you have bad credit).

has for accidents and violations in the state of Ohio they are only chargeable for 35 months and will show on reports for 60 months

only thing that is chargable fo 60 months is a major Violation like DUIs.

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my credit isnt bad. i dont have much (2 closed auto loans, 1 currently open, 1 credit card), and out of all that, the only negative mark is from my 1st auto loan, gap was supposed to be paying, and since they didnt pay when they said they did, i didnt pay the bill (assuming it was paid)...it was a final bill for like 130$ and ive got 2 late marks. ive been meaning to go back and dispute it, just havent yet


shawn - what do you mean by "chargeable" for 35 months? are you saying they shouldnt need my driving record past that time frame? it seems a few of the places i went thru (except progressive) wanted 5 years...between 5 years back and 3 years back, i dont think i could even remember all the shit that happened and the claims


im gonna call a couple of the agents listed, and see if i can get it lowered. i just cant believe with the fairly good past 3 years, im still getting this ripped off

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It is all about how much of a risk you are to the company. If you have bad credit they they see you as not being as responsible as you could/should be.


That's hogwash. Credit level is personal and should be kept as so. Credit can be ruined for thousands of reasons. If I were to lose my shorts in a divorce it in no way means I am not responsible, it's just the way the cards are dealt.


Credit reports and SSN's these days are more public and required to be given then they really should be.

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That's hogwash. Credit level is personal and should be kept as so. Credit can be ruined for thousands of reasons. If I were to lose my shorts in a divorce it in no way means I am not responsible, it's just the way the cards are dealt.


Credit reports and SSN's these days are more public and required to be given then they really should be.


I agree with you but I work for an insurance company... thats just how it is.

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my credit isnt bad. i dont have much (2 closed auto loans, 1 currently open, 1 credit card), and out of all that, the only negative mark is from my 1st auto loan, gap was supposed to be paying, and since they didnt pay when they said they did, i didnt pay the bill (assuming it was paid)...it was a final bill for like 130$ and ive got 2 late marks. ive been meaning to go back and dispute it, just havent yet


shawn - what do you mean by "chargeable" for 35 months? are you saying they shouldnt need my driving record past that time frame? it seems a few of the places i went thru (except progressive) wanted 5 years...between 5 years back and 3 years back, i dont think i could even remember all the shit that happened and the claims


im gonna call a couple of the agents listed, and see if i can get it lowered. i just cant believe with the fairly good past 3 years, im still getting this ripped off


Chargeable accident/violation means it is being charged against you. It is usually not chargeable if it was not your fault, or you have accident forgiveness or other things. Insurance companies want 5 years in the past of your record so they don't have to pull your underwriting records. They go off of what you say and believe you, then you get a quote. If you agree to it then they write the policy where they go out and pull your motor vehicle report. If they see more accidents/violations then what you said then they add this to the policy. Because of this you may have a lower or higher premium then the quote was.


ALSO having X number of major violations or whatever could throw you into a worse company. For example there could be a standard company and a non standard company. Both have their own set of rules for figuring out your premium. And it doesn't go off of just your driving record, your credit score comes into play here.


Like I said it is all about risk to the company. If you are more of a risk you are going to pay more money. Don't think that having low coverage for years and years is a good thing. In the long run having full coverage for years and years will save you money. Why? Because having full coverage means you are paying them more money = less money out of their pocket if there is a claim = less of a risk to them.

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In the long run having full coverage for years and years will save you money. Why? Because having full coverage means you are paying them more money = less money out of their pocket if there is a claim = less of a risk to them.


That sounds like a big business brain washed statement.

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