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Stupid IE7 Qeustion


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So i have been looking around google for about 15 minutes and can't find it. so here is my question.


When i am browsing around CR and other sites, it will load a page that has been cached from a few days ago. any ideas how to make it load the new page everytime it loads

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Check to make sure your browser is checking for new pages, and not just coughing up the pages in its cache. In IE7, it's Tools, Internet Options, the General tab, the Browsing history section, Settings, and tell it to check for new pages either every visit to the page, or automatically (usually good enough).
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Check to make sure your browser is checking for new pages, and not just coughing up the pages in its cache. In IE7, it's Tools, Internet Options, the General tab, the Browsing history section, Settings, and tell it to check for new pages either every visit to the page, or automatically (usually good enough).

Thank you that is all i needed. I was looking in security and advanced and couldn't find it for the life of me, never thought to look in the history section.


Lock this before it turns into another IE7 vs. Firefox thread.

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I have two solutions.


1) Get Firefox


2) Look in Internet Options, I think you can tell that evil, satanic corporate backed program not to cache websites.



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