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Finally Home and walking.


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After seeing 3 doctors Wed, Thurs, and Friday. I was cleared to start walking with braces on. God it felt good sleeping in my own bed for the first time in almost 3 weeks. I got home Friday night. I still have a month of recovery still with home physical therapy coming a couple times a week. My MCL is healing on it's own, and my ACL will need surgery in 6-12 weeks when I have no swelling and full range of motion. I am looking at having it done Thanksgiving week. I still have a Surgery on my wrist on the 10th of July, after that I start Physical Therapy for that. Dr Cook did a carpel tunnel release at the time of the first surgery. So I have to recover from that too. It feels so good to be home and to walk (hobble) around. Maybe in a couple of weeks I could come out and say hi.


Thanks again guys, I might not bee here if it wasn't for some very cool people on here.

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Guest hotrodmama024
Get well soon Ben!! Your almost there. Should be the hard part now. You have to see your toys on a daily basis. Hope to see you out soon! :)
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Thanks guys and gals. I feel a little better each morning. I Get a smaller brace in three weeks for my knee, and in 2 weeks I don't have to wear this boot on my right ankle. I have a small brace to go around my ankle that fits in a shoe. I just bought a new pair of shoes on line yesterday. Both shoes were ripped open. I haven't worn a shoe since the accident :lol: Nor did I have shoes to wear.
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