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About surefooted

  • Birthday 02/26/1978

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  • Vehicles(s)
    Some cars and a truck.

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. "But the new facility isn’t all about football, Williams told NBC. It’s also home to areas for wrestling and indoor golf." Wait what?
  2. This. There are tremendous scientific advances that we get from space exploration.
  3. Is there still the graffiti on the wall of Capri lanes on 161? I always thought that would mak ea pretty cool backdrop as well.
  4. This was pretty awesome. In 10 years, SpaceX will have figured out how to do it for 200 million and we'll take trips to Mars every 3 months.
  5. Eagles Head football coach Andy Reid's son died this morning in the dorms at their training camp. http://espn.go.com/nfl/trainingcamp12/story/_/id/8235884/andy-reid-oldest-son-garrett-reid-found-dead-philadelphia-eagles-camp
  6. Dammit. Sorry guys. I though pics and vids was for pics and vids of cars. Stupid me. Mods please delete this. I'm an idiot.
  7. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/08/01/south-korean-hip-hop-sens_n_1728420.html http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m77vo1zthS1r9m49wo1_250.gif
  8. Eagles fan here. Wondering how we'll underachieve once again.
  9. http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs25/i/2009/252/2/7/Vote_For_Nobody_by_Noisecult.png
  10. From the reports, this sounds a little like that movie Rampage.
  11. Doesn't even have to be an election year for things to turn political. lol It's disingenuous to try to use a tragedy for political gain. Idiots do. Idiots believe.
  12. Why is that even relevant? That would be self defense. However, in this scenario, you'd probably be dead. The odds of you getting off a headshot while breathing in tear gas with screaming people running around and your adrenaline pumping, you'd probably be dead.
  13. Where do you find events like that locally?
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