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LOL!!! It hates me

V8 Beast

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You shoulda bought a Formula instead :)


I didnt have an option. I had to drive to Michigan to get this one because I couldnt find any in Ohio for a good price.


I was just talking to my wife and there may be room for a viper and the WS6 :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

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What do you think is leading to all the failures? Honestly?

Good ol' fashioned bad luck. In the 5 years I have had this car I have never got a single clean run out of it. I'm praying for a miracle in September.


good price


Thats a little too pimp for me :D

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put some lights on it and lap everyone around 270:D http://www.mershons.com/resize.asp?path=F:%5CInetPub%5Cmershons%5Cphotos%5C9317.jpg&width=640&height=480


What do you need headlights for? That thing is no less Street Legal that what SOME folks on here take out... :D



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