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Ummm No....


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Martin, so you know, in Clintonville, there is a 5.0 convertible with altezza's and a GT-R badge. I LOL when I see it, always. He lives by the community market, if you know where that is.


um yea theres one on teckademics at the end. there talking to this mid age black dude and they were like O its a GT-R. wow that must mean it has a big rotary engine in it. the guy was like yea its pretty big.

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That chic went to my highschool. I saw that emblem...should've asked her WTF.


she probably would of said. its so i can spot my car in a big lot with all the other FREAKIN HONDA's.they wont fucking die.they're like the energizer bunny.

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well that and the ones that come to quaker and rev there engine and try to speed out of the parking lot. i will admit i have said i liked a cupple of honda civics. but most of the time i just laugh at them cause normally theres something on the outside that just looks funny.
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FYI, that accord is running an Holset HX turbo.....


I was wondering as the DSM guys have been using the HX and HY turbos from the Cummins motors for a while now. Wouldn't surprise me to see one on a honda as you can pick up the turbos for dirt cheap.

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