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moving out of Ardent Properties: $132 water bill!?

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Ok, so they finally get around to sending me a bill for cleaning my joint, $185 my ass, but pointless to fight that...but what the fuck: At the bottom, they have another $132 in a utilities section marked "Water".

We moved out May 1. Our lease was up over a month later. We payed Del Co square up intill the very end, how is Ardent trying to bill us for water, we payed Del-Co.

We used no fuckin water or electricity for a month and a half. Our normal monthly bills are $30-$45, WTF is this $132 shit?!


I call...get message, I'm sure they'll call me back promptly. Has anyone else gotten one of these utility charges?

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You told the water company when you moved out right? Shouldn't the land lord take over the bill once you move out??


I had an issue with electric when I first moved into my last townhouse I was renting. They were charging me for a couple months the last tenant did not pay. Ended up with like a $200 electric bill. I called them and they took care of it.

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We told them when our lease was up, and payed up untill the end despite not living there (there was still a monthly service fee). Our move-out was june 6, turnover was up June 19, and we just paid that last $8 bill (a raun up until the 19). $132 has to be like 500 gallons of water, this is not a small mistake.
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I will be doing that when I get home. I cant remember a google'able enough name to get a number, I'll need the bill. It was Central ohio water sumthin sumthin, I cant get any leads through google witht hat, so I'll have to wait untill I get home.


Here's the shit; When you issue some one a bill for something that you had to pay, wouldn't you give them a copy of the envoice as well? Also, the water company knows where to find us, they sent the last bill to our new adress.

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If you they don't return your voice mail leave another one. If they don't return the 2nd one then don't pay the bill. Before they shut off your water they will give you written notice. There will be a contact information on there.


google found nothing except for del co water and newark water. Did you try to call del co and see if they can contact ardent properties on your behalf?

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Del Co doesn't do the water, I actually called them first. Turns out it's 'Columbus and central ohio systems inc". I did get ahold of them, and turns out hte bill is for our last two months....during which we used zero water. What I'm afraid of ('ll have to go back and check) is that we're billed as an apartment block, divided up evenly betweent he units. In such a case, our lack of use would matter very little, 7 other aparatments would be using as normal.
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Guest baseciv

Was your electric company also American Power and Light? Both companies are owned by the guy who owns Ardent (formerly Triangle, they had to change their name because of the negativity surrounding the Triangle name)


Neither are REAL utility companies, they are resellers, and they resell at a higher rate. You won't find any information about them through PUCO because they aren't regulated. Your water IS shared throughout your apartment building. I had 13 mexicans living in a 2br apartment and my water bill was sky high because of it.


Don't pay them a cent.

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holding an ardent collection for $1372.71

"damages in excess of deposit"


What were the damages?


I live in an Ardent complex and I'm afraid of what's going to happen when we move out.

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Ardent is FOS!! I hate them. Every time I moved out of a place I cleaned it so good I was shocked. Never stained carpets...Yet I NEVER got any money back. Always something. F ARDENT!!!
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Guest baseciv
Ardent is FOS!! I hate them. Every time I moved out of a place I cleaned it so good I was shocked. Never stained carpets...Yet I NEVER got any money back. Always something. F ARDENT!!!


I bet they also provided you with a non-itemized bill for damages, which they are not legally allowed to do. They have to show WHY you owed that much in damages.


For the OP, INSIST on doing a walkthrough with your apartment manager on the day you leave. They have a history of saying "we don't do that," but make them do it. The reason "they don't do that" is so they can construct these outlandish bills for damages and cleaning.

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I bet they also provided you with a non-itemized bill for damages, which they are not legally allowed to do. They have to show WHY you owed that much in damages.


For the OP, INSIST on doing a walkthrough with your apartment manager on the day you leave. They have a history of saying "we don't do that," but make them do it. The reason "they don't do that" is so they can construct these outlandish bills for damages and cleaning.



Wow that is pretty shady. I wonder if talking to the manager of the complex face to face would help this water bill?

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I bet they also provided you with a non-itemized bill for damages, which they are not legally allowed to do. They have to show WHY you owed that much in damages.


For the OP, INSIST on doing a walkthrough with your apartment manager on the day you leave. They have a history of saying "we don't do that," but make them do it. The reason "they don't do that" is so they can construct these outlandish bills for damages and cleaning.


The silly shet from my last move was I got a one bedroom at Oak Creek when me and my ex "needed time apart". The place was a waste of money cause I ended up over her place everyday and night. Hardly ever was in the apartment I rented. About 8 months into the lease I started going over more. Never any parties and hardly ever sat in the living room and never cooked in the place ONCE.....Moved out...I owed them $90, which i have NOT paid..I told them they were full of it and they had some guy "TC" call me threatening court, but blah blah...F EM!

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The silly shet from my last move was I got a one bedroom at Oak Creek when me and my ex "needed time apart". The place was a waste of money cause I ended up over her place everyday and night. Hardly ever was in the apartment I rented. About 8 months into the lease I started going over more. Never any parties and hardly ever sat in the living room and never cooked in the place ONCE.....Moved out...I owed them $90, which i have NOT paid..I told them they were full of it and they had some guy "TC" call me threatening court, but blah blah...F EM!

How long ago was that? No collections agency?

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How long ago was that? No collections agency?


Heck that was over a year ago. He called not too long ago telling me he could put a lien against my house if I did not pay. I basically told him to do what he had to do. There was no way they could take my $250 deposit and make me OWE $90 more dollars for a place I was NEVER really in. He talks all bad about how he takes people to court for a living and he answers the Ardent CEO and he does his job well.....more blah blah. I said "look, TC, are you done cause I have work to do". If you ever see 785.9640 come up on caller ID...that's him...If he shows the number. Got me this last time cause he blocked it.

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Most people are like that. They just talk to scare you into paying. It costs more money to take someone to court then $90. Most people will just cave in and pay the money. I wouldn't worry about threats like this unless it is more then $500.


My roommate got evicted (i moved out before this happened since the landlord told me) and he didn't pay rent for 3 months. That was $1500. Someone moved in a day later after he was out. They just wanted him gone and I don't think they took him to court.

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