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Blue Integra with K20.....


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If you have a Blue Teg with K20 swap and I/H/E and raced me from a roll and the Srt-4s and you jumped on the second honk both times.... I say you dont have the balls to race me tomorrow Saturday 7-7-07 for $150 I will be at QSL tonight with my car i will show you what i got and we can race tomorrow from a did that way you cant jump the line. We will give the money to a mutual party... we can give it to Linn.

See ya tomorrow.

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even if he started from the second honk, you didn't lose did you? :confused:


If you have a Blue Teg with K20 swap and I/H/E and raced me from a roll and the Srt-4s and you jumped on the second honk both times.... I say you dont have the balls to race me tomorrow Saturday 7-7-07 for $150 I will be at QSL tonight with my car i will show you what i got and we can race tomorrow from a did that way you cant jump the line. We will give the money to a mutual party... we can give it to Linn.

See ya tomorrow.

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Look you can be another ricer with a mustang, fine, and you can spray the shit out of it this time and beat a k20 teg, its just a k20. Just because it's a rare swap doesnt mean its god, it's just a all motor 4 cyl. still. So if you want to race the k20 teg again motor for motor and take a car length i think that would be fair for $150.
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The kid is a good friend of mine. And yes he did jump on him, But he did hear the 3rd honk so i'd say he got maybe a car length jump, and still got probably a bus length plus some, So technically no he didn't beat him because he cheated. But you do the math. ;)
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Damn, This Blue integra is going to walk you again! I will be there to watch the ownege. From what i heard there was a slight jump but i heard there were bus lengths put on both of you. But its just a k20 rite?

hahaha this will be great i hope the k20 pulls massive bus lengths

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Okay 01stang we all know your panties are in a bunch now. Cause you jump on CR like a hardass to call out a car that outperformed you. Now yes he did jump so, he cheated. He has now agreed to this race, But your saying your going to throw on the nawz? Why would you when your such as hardass to post up in the kitchen that your calling him out? I think your having second thoughts, Because you have a mustang- And hes driving an integra with an rsx motor. I know hes going whoop up on you and your boys srt4. So get the sand out of your vag and man up and agree to the race that motor on motor. 40 roll....



After then end result i want you from a 40 roll for 500$, In my integra :cool:

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Guest Wunna Dig Race
If you have a Blue Teg with K20 swap and I/H/E and raced me from a roll and the Srt-4s and you jumped on the second honk both times.... I say you dont have the balls to race me tomorrow Saturday 7-7-07 for $150 I will be at QSL tonight with my car i will show you what i got and we can race tomorrow from a dig that way you cant jump the line. We will give the money to a mutual party... we can give it to Linn.

See ya tomorrow.



he states from a dig here no roll........

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Yeah he stated a dig, but the figure $150 dollars, and this whole 2nd race started from my buddy saying that he would give them the rematch they demanded if they put up some money, He raced 3 diff. times with the same results and wasn't going to do it again for nothing. So i dont know about you guys but a rematch means the same race over again. Not "let me add a 100 hit and race him from a dig haha he'll never know". He tried to make a name on here to post up but it takes awhile to get approved apparently. So basically hes saying he'll do the same race as before (a 40 roll motor to motor 3 honks and he'll go on the 3rd honk this time) for $150. No cheating or hiding anything on both sides.
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