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house pics.. landscaping


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did some landscaping today. still have to get some plants and mulch tomorrow, but its looking better already. the 2 before pics we have the landscaping timbers which i hated since we got here, and now i have some really nice landscaping stone we got today for a steal. alot of lifting though.





and the afters....







what yall think????

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we actually found a lady on craigslist selling it, didnt look like that much till we got there, ended up getting 2 big truck loads for $100.

sizes of the rocks range from 3 ft long to 4inches long, more big than little though. we came out very good, although i had to pick them out of where they were and then bring them home and lay them. easier if they were in a pile, but they were still stacked along side a driveway/ flower bed where they were originally put.

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i didnt think id be throwing this much money into my house. i could care less about modding the cars, now i just want to mod my house lol. got some new flooring i just bought that im gonna install next weekend. gotta pull up baseboard and old carpeting and such late next week. started a little bit already, but i got more to do.


and then we will be re painting a room or 2, and getting new bedroom furniture.


also i want to get some landscape lighting ...

ahhhh it never ends lol.

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yeha yeah i know.. but shit i didnt have hardly any grass to begin with, so having a GREEN front lawn is a huge improvement, plus i think its a little late in the season to put anything down.. or is it???
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yeha yeah i know.. but shit i didnt have hardly any grass to begin with, so having a GREEN front lawn is a huge improvement, plus i think its a little late in the season to put anything down.. or is it???

not for turf builder.


I use scotts and have been very happy with the results so far.

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I would plant two or three boxwood bushes next to the house. They are easy to take care of. Different types of ornamental grasses and Hostas add a lot of color and texture with out tons of work.








The best thing about these plants is that they are perennials so you plant and pay for them once. (Unless you manage to kill them) You can plant these now or in the fall when they go on sale. Next year your yard will look Great with minimal work.

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its even funnier today cause we spent a nice chunk on plants lol.

went to get a truck load of mulch and a few plants, and came back with a tad more plants than we intended on buying lol.

and then had to go get some landscaping lights

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i didnt think id be throwing this much money into my house. i could care less about modding the cars, now i just want to mod my house lol. got some new flooring i just bought that im gonna install next weekend. gotta pull up baseboard and old carpeting and such late next week. started a little bit already, but i got more to do.


and then we will be re painting a room or 2, and getting new bedroom furniture.


also i want to get some landscape lighting ...

ahhhh it never ends lol.




Very nice, I got similar type of flagstones from a creek by house and made a sidewalk from the driveway to our front door.


I know it is a good feeling, modding the house. I have been very busy this summer on our backyard, we had a inground pool put it and we are doing the landscaping...

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very nice....

i have been wanting to do a flagstone patio, but when you are buying the stone it can get expensive.

got anymore stone over your way??



No, I wish. Delaware county was re-doing a bridge over by our house and they had a lot of flagstone around the base that had to be removed and replaced with concrete. I was able to have the flagstone, similar to you but i had to move it myself. The county would paid someone to remove it. Once a week, I would load a pickup load into my truck. I worked on this for about 5 weeks to gather enough store for my project. Overall, I have a sidewalk made from the creek bed near my house, the sidewalk looks excellent. I will shoot some pictures of it later today.

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Guest 614Streets

Looks good ,nice house also , the first plant picture gas ass or cash posted are rock solid perrenials so +1 on that although its has been one dry ass summer so far for starter plants

(tedious manual watering)

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ill have to take some pics of the front of my house with the red bricks I did last summer took a few days but damn it looks good, I just layed some patio stones down by our a/c so we could set our hose-reel on it
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