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Twitter.com anybody?


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No it isnt some porn site..

their own description of the site is "Twitter is a service for friends, family, and co–workers to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing?"

Had a guy at work tell me about it so I was curious to see if anyone else here was on the site?


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I've got an account, but I never use it. I'd probably be a fan if I had a smartphone so I could update it anywhere.

For anyone who wants a really simple explanation:

Twitter is basically the Facebook "status" feature, and nothing else.

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  • 3 months later...

20/20 or one of those shows did a segment about it a few weeks ago. Seemed pretty stupid to me

BTW......Harb did a phenomenally better job explaining it in a few words, than what they did in a 5 or 10 minute segment :rolleyes:

Edited by Fonzie
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IMO, its kind of the 'it is what you make of it' thing. <shrug>

I agree with the 'it is what you make it'. I finally put forth the effort to 'figure it out', and while I'm still not terribly into it, I am at least somewhat active.


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IMO, its kind of the 'it is what you make of it' thing. <shrug>

yeah it's actually pretty popular. i dont have an account because i dont see the point but apparently alot of people do?

Yeah a guy at work was talking about that show and how it's the latest craze for kids/teens.

There's your answer right there......All it is is the latest "It" thing.....Like FaceBook & MySpace before it

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Twitter is different things to different groups.

For the teeniebopper crowd, yes it is just a fad and another way for them to be self-absorbed little shits.

For the more mature techie crowd, it's a lot more than that. For example, hashtags are a method of adding a tag to your twitter message (tweet) that is easily indexed by a website that tracks said tags. This in turn creates a way for users to keep up on a common topic. Hashtags came into their own during the San Diego fires of 2007; by watching the feed for the hashtag #sandiegofire, anyone on twitter could get up-to-the-second updates on what was happening with the fires from people who were right in the thick of things. Now there are hashtags for virtually everything out there.

Many websites also use twitter as a news feed so people don't have to continually check the website for updates. For example, I am following the Quake Live twitter account so I can get constant updates on server status and game updates, both of which happen many times per day because the game is in an ever-changing beta phase.

Twitter CAN be a lot more than the "LOL IM EATIN CEREAL BEFORE SCHOOL TODAY LOLOLOLOLOL!1!1!" garbage that the myspace crowd is now using it for. The biggest problem with twitter as far as functionality goes is that all the really cool stuff you can do with it isn't immediately apparant. You need to use third-party apps and websites to maximize the ultility of the service, which means that using Twitter to its full potential takes a good deal more effort and thought than sites like facebook or myspace. If/when Twitter ever makes changes and natively supports things like hashtags and twitter groups, I think it will gain popularity in the 'right' ways. Right now, it's just too much for the general public to "get" because it isn't nearly as easily explained and grasped like Facebook or myspace.

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Anyone curious about Twitter should watch The Late Show with Jimmy Fallon tonight. Kevin Rose and Alex Albrecht of Digg/Diggnation fame are on and they're filming it right now. They're doing a "twitter experiment" as I type; they tweeted out for everyone to follow someone...they're probably seeing how many responses they can get in a short period of time. Those two are what got me into Twitter, and I'm sure they'll give a much better explanation about the service that makes sense to rational thinking adults :)

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