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Diablo II


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Does anyone near me (Delaware, OH) have a copy of Diablo II I can borrow for a day to install? I have the expansion I will be using to actually play, but cannot find the diablo discs to install. This will not cause you account issues. Ive had the urge to play a mod I have for it lately. Thanks.
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I just starteed playing again because they reset the ladder let me know I got the nrg images on my removable drive.


What do you mean reset the ladder? On Blizzard.Net??


Hmmmm..... I've been thinking of breaking it back out lately. Definately a BITCHIN' game!



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Just did another search for it here at the house. No luck. However, I did find my old sega genesis and a few games. :D Thorne, you should burn diablo off for me. Or I may just go pick it up if I can find it cheap enough but I'm not going shopping just for that. There are a few great full game mods for it I've had the urge to play. The one I'll be starting on as soon as it is installed can be used in mulitplayer but not on closed bnet. Only open and tcp/ip. Once it's running, I'll start a thread and see if anyone wants to play the multiplayer Median mod together.
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And I've really wanted to play Titan's Quest (haha, my dog's name), but I don't think I can succefully run it on this laptop due to the integrated video card. I can't wait for them to come out with the external vid cards u plug into your laptop. And oh, how I want to play oblivion, too. :(
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I have not logged in yet.


My last character was a top level Sourc. Probably use they same class if we all play together....


I got the Lock on the Sourc.






That tells me if a i want to click Ladder or not.


I need to get the expansion (which one) and ladder is only choice

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how much/ which one


Diablo II Lord of Destruction expansion. No idea how much it is but it can't be much. Looks like I've got to buy Diablo II, again. I have the discs but don't have the cd case with the damn key on it. Thought it'd be on my manual, but of coursefuckingnot. Anyone wanna send me a key generator? Otherwise, I have to buy another copy or send my manual and $10 snail mail to them so they can snail mail me back another key. :rolleyes:

I knew I should've never deleted my game and char's on here. And I just did it a couple months ago. :(


Killjoy, anyone of us (as long as we have the same version) can host a game and send the ip to the rest or can create a room on open or closed battlenet for others to join. Is that what you were asking?

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Titan Quest blows greasy chunks. I played it for a few hours and uninstalled it because of how linear and boring it was.. you always have billions of dollars but every new shop you come to has shit that only does like 2 more damage than whatever you bought 10 minutes beforehand. That and you gotta turn the visual shit way down even on an awesom-o 4000 computer.



LoL ssshhhhhhhh

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