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I remember a time when I used to enter the kitchen and get completely annihilated by the CR members.


Please, someone do it again, if you don't want to, answer me this:


Why are we getting nicer as a group?

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I remember a time when I used to enter the kitchen and get completely annihilated by the CR members.


Please, someone do it again, if you don't want to, answer me this:


Why are we getting nicer as a group?









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I remember a time when I used to enter the kitchen and get completely annihilated by the CR members.


Please, someone do it again, if you don't want to, answer me this:



Yeah, I got that a couple times too so get the fuck over it noob! Christ you just got on this forum and all youve done is complain! Stop posting, fuck that get a Mod and delete this kid!



Was that good enough??

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Hello sir,


I do not appreciate the tone in your writing. It is quite insulting and disturbing. Please keep your opinion on my penis size to yourself. This is not the time nor the place. I understand you are angry with what I have posted, but please understand I strongly believe in the right of self expression.


If you dont agree with me, please feel free to post what your differences are. Disrespect is not needed here, there is enough to go around. So please, next time PM me so we can have a timely and rational discussion. Or if worse comes to worse, you can come by my house and we can settle this with fisticuffs like gentlemen. Good day sir.

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Hello sir,


I do not appreciate the tone in your writing. It is quite insulting and disturbing. Please keep your opinion on my penis size to yourself. This is not the time nor the place. I understand you are angry with what I have posted, but please understand I strongly believe in the right of self expression.


If you dont agree with me, please feel free to post what your differences are. Disrespect is not needed here, there is enough to go around. So please, next time PM me so we can have a timely and rational discussion. Or if worse comes to worse, you can come by my house and we can settle this with fisticuffs like gentlemen. Good day sir.





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CR's version of a linguistical joust involves slinging as many emasculating retorts usually of the homosexual variety, often followed by a penis size reference. Example as follows.


Shut up [insert derogatory homosexual expression here], Shouldn't your [insert: small, tiny, microscopic, (never infantile even though it might be funny), etc] penis be lodged firmly in the mouth of [insert male CR poster here]?


The wordsmithing softballers of CR haven’t figured out that homosexual accusations don’t push dude's buttons after the age of 9. To really hurt someone you have to figure out what their real insecurity is and exploit the hell out of it.


I miss making a handful of you suckers almost cry as much as I do humiliating kids who dared get into a lyrical battle with me in the back of the school bus in 2nd grade.

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I remember a time when I used to enter the kitchen and get completely annihilated by the CR members.


Please, someone do it again, if you don't want to, answer me this:


Why are we getting nicer as a group?

I will now offend everyone


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For good e-battles search "puffer" (3rd from the bottom), Tilley's ownage (post 62).


actually, if you follow "the history of tilley" even further back, you will discover that he hasnt always been on the side that gives. reference any post made by eli, supra mark, or myself in the first 3 months of tilley's membership here.

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actually, if you follow "the history of tilley" even further back, you will discover that he hasnt always been on the side that gives. reference any post made by eli, supra mark, or myself in the first 3 months of tilley's membership here.


oh snap?

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actually, if you follow "the history of tilley" even further back, you will discover that he hasnt always been on the side that gives. reference any post made by eli, supra mark, or myself in the first 3 months of tilley's membership here.


You're right, I went toe-to-toe with CR's finest e-battlers - all at the same time - and not only survived, but shined.


What, you looking to dance again, homie? I haven't been spending too much time here lately, but, for you and another go-round, I'll make myself available. :cool:


For the record, there have been - in my time - maybe five people worth a damn at this: Ken, DJ, Eli, Supra Mark, and Hefty Jesus. If the "e-battle" doesn't involve any one of them, then it won't deliver.

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You're right, I went toe-to-toe with CR's finest e-battlers - all at the same time - and not only survived, but shined.


What, you looking to dance again, homie? I haven't been spending too much time here lately, but, for you and another go-round, I'll make myself available. :cool:


For the record, there have been - in my time - maybe five people worth a damn at this: Ken, DJ, Eli, Supra Mark, and Hefty Jesus. If the "e-battle" doesn't involve any one of them, then it won't deliver.


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it isnt that people have gotten nicer, it's just that the people capable of mutilating others using the english language either dont read the board, dont give a fuck, or are overwhelmed by the amount of posts that require destruction.


The only thing idiots have to put up with now is random people who dont matter telling them they are "fucksticks" or "turbofags", and with gearhead posting hundreds of incredibly unfunny pictures that have absolutely nothing to do with anything. You're all lucky that none of us edumacated people dont give a shit anymore.

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it isnt that people have gotten nicer, it's just that the people capable of mutilating others using the english language either dont read the board, dont give a fuck, or are overwhelmed by the amount of posts that require destruction.


The only thing idiots have to put up with now is random people who dont matter telling them they are "fucksticks" or "turbofags", and with gearhead posting hundreds of incredibly unfunny pictures that have absolutely nothing to do with anything. You're all lucky that none of us edumacated people dont give a shit anymore.






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