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Jones is a bitch

Guest baseciv

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Guest baseciv
Jesus christ, shouldn't you two be corn holing each other out in the barn? As soon as one of you posts, the other one is right there to back him up.
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Guest Wunna Dig Race
so whatn if he does...did we say you could judge him ..NO




if you dont like it...LEAVE



Robby stop it lol dont hurt his feelings..... Were the putty pix? :woowoo:

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Ok....I am officially sick of N00bz posts. The shit is old, and is taking up bandwith that BOOBIES could be viewed over.


It's up to YOU N00bz. Please....just STOP the shit. Who cares if someone else started the shit talking. You are a N00bz. It is expected. Take it like a man and go on with life. If you can't, live you life w/o CR.


< /thread >



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Guest Wunna Dig Race
Jesus christ, shouldn't you two be corn holing each other out in the barn? As soon as one of you posts, the other one is right there to back him up.


Hes married and has 2 kids........ I have a gf..... so go play wit ya self

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Guest baseciv
Hes married and has 2 kids........ I have a gf..... so go play wit ya self


It's common for many openly heterosexual men to have a gay relationship on the side. The way you two are acting, I am starting to believe you should get rid of your SO's and move in together. Which one of you is going to be the bottom?

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Guest Wunna Dig Race
It's common for many openly heterosexual men to have a gay relationship on the side. The way you two are acting, I am starting to believe you should get rid of your SO's and move in together. Which one of you is going to be the bottom?


well I think that you think your a badd ass behind the computer screen..... go f* *k your sister and leave :asshole:

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He's gone I deleted his post he is refering to I think, he has no respect for mods, I PMed him one last time and asked him to quit, he said make everyone else behave like a two year old and he then said "ban me" so........


Peace, don't let the door hit you on the way out, again.

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