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Wasp Sting


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So I was playing homewrecker on Sunday taking down a rusty swingset in the back yard. Tore most of it down and got stung on the middle finger close to the knuckle on my hand). 3 days later my hand has swollen like a balloon. I'm not allergic to them or anything. no rashes or stuff. I just want the swelling to go down. I've tried ice here and there but that doesn't help.


I looked on WebMD and that was worthless.


How long does it take for a wasp sting to go away? Mainly the swelling.


I haven't been stung since I was a kid and hardly remember what (if anything) to do.

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You can develop sensitivity as you age. If you are swelling like that then you are having an allergic reaction to the sting. As long as you dont have any difficulty breathing, nausea/vomiting, loss of consciousness, you should be ok.
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Guest drumer919
About a month ago I got stung on the bottom lip, It was swelling so much I had to go get a shotat the ER cause it started to swell so much I was having difficulty breathing. After that it went down in a matter or hours, I too am not allergic.
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Next time it happens put mud on it, let it dry, then take it off. I think thats what my mom did...... When Steve (True Blue) was 4 he was stung by over 40 wasps because our older brother knocked a nest down onto him. My mom coated him in mud and he was fine after that.... I know its wierd but I saw it work with my own eyes. Has any body else heard of that, or is my mom wierd?
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